Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Bella's P.O.V

I was sitting alone, in the living room. Jason had just gone to bed, so now I was alone.

I heard foot steps, but chose to ignore it. 

I walked to the kitchen, to make something to eat. I slowly got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, searching through the cabinets for a packet of cheese balls. 

The sound of the kitchen door locking made me jump ten feet in the air. I quickly grabbed a knife which was laying on the counter, and turned around slowly. 

"Molly?" I asked confused. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" (A/N: Who was wondering what happened to her through out the other chapters?)

I put the knife back down, knowing it was only Molly. I started to laugh, "Molly, you scared me." I started looking through the cabinets again. "You hungry? I have cheese balls." I said holding the packet of cheese balls in my hand. 

She took out a gun, completely shocking me, and shot the packet of cheese balls. I heard the loud pop of the packet, and felt a shot of pain in my arm. I screamed, as I dropped the packet of cheese balls and saw that the bullet went into my arm. 

She walked up to me and started pulling on my hair, dragging me with her. 

"Shut up, Princess, this time Daddy or Brandon won't be able to save you." She hissed, spitting on my face. 

"What are you talking about Molly?" I asked as tears ran down my face. "Last time I checked, I was an orphan, and you were my best friend."

She started to chuckle. "You fool, I was only your friend to gain your power. You are Mary's and Jeff's daughter. One of the richest people in the world! and Brandon is your cousin!"

I gasped. WHAT?! 

I felt my heart break once she told me that she only used me, and I felt it mend when she told me I had a family.

She clutched my hair harder, and bang my  head against the wall.

I started seeing black dots. My vision getting blurry with tears. 

The last thing I heard was someone trying to open the door knob frantically, and Molly's hushed voice as she whispered "Shit!" 

Brandon's P.O.V

I ran.

I ran straight to the door of the mansion.

I ran as if my life depended on it. 

I ran thinking of one thing only, Bella. 

I looked around the empty living room. Where is she!?

I heard a female's voice chuckle, but it wasn't Bella's. 

"You fool," the voice said. "I was only your friend to gain your power. You are Mary's and Jeff's daughter. One of the richest people in the world! and Brandon is your cousin!"

I felt my heart melt to the pits of my stomach, why didn't I realize before.

Maybe because I didn't want to believe it. Because I didn't think I was lucky enough to have my cousin return.

But she has been here, living in this house. With Jason and I. 

Is that why I almost felt complete? Like I had finally found her, without knowing it. 

I heard something bang against a wall. My anger started rising, no one is going to hurt my cousin! 

I had finally found her, and I am not letting her be taken away by some female. 

I grabbed the kitchen door's handle, and tried opening it. Locked.

I tried faster, more eager to open the door. 

"Shit!" I hushed voice whispered. 

I started kicking the door. "Open the fucking door!" I yelled, now feeling my anger at the highest.

Clicking filled my ears, as I heard the sound of the midnight breeze.

I no longer felt their presence in the room. 

The window!

I kicked the door with full force, then it was knocked of its hinges. 

Racing towards the window, I tripped on my own feet. 

I quickly pulled myself up, but I was too late. The sound of an engine roaring to life filled my ears, as I saw my car speed down the road. 

I fell to the floor, landing on my knees. I felt all my energy lose it's self, as I started feeling weak. 

That night I slept on the floor, not being able to move and go to my bed.

Jason's P.O.V

Whoa, some nightmare I had last night. I thought as I woke up. 

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Bella and I were going to go to a cafe this morning for coffee. 

The warm water fell on my skin as I had a bad feeling in my gut. I decided to go for a shorter shower then usual, and brushed my teeth. 

Once dressed, I headed downstairs looking for where everyone was. Thinking they were all asleep, I went to the kitchen. 

God I'm starving, I could eat a cow. 

That thought left my mind once I opened the door, to a bloodied kitchen.

Blood on the wall, blood on the floor, even blood on a packet of cheese balls. My eyes landed to a sleeping Brandon, what is he doing sleeping in a bloody kitchen! 

I started to freak out, "Brandon, you okay?" I asked shaking his shoulder.

His eyes popped open, staring at me with so much sorrow in his eyes. What the hell happened?

"Who's blo-" 

"Bella's," he cut me off. 

My chest felt tight. That's why Brandon felt so sad, even sadder than the time he lost his cousin...?

"Jason, she's m-my c-cousin," he stuttered as a tear escaped his eye.

I knew it! I knew she was his cousin, I just didn't want to give him false hope.  

"We'll find her, Brandon." I assured him.

"I hope so," he ducked his head.


Sad chapter... :(

Anyway hope you enjoyed it. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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