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Minho's pov
I've got ready an hour before. Chan and Seungmin helped me pick my outfit. I've was excited and nervous but i was ready. I've decided to take him to aquarium for our very first official date. Then we'll get something to eat and then I'll treat him icecream~

I'll be at your house in 10

Okie I'll be waiting

I picked him up from his house. We sat in the car and drove off for the aquarium

"Hyungie where are we going?"

I took out the ticket and gave it to him.

"Really really really we're to see the fishies" he asked in his baby tone. I nodded chuckled at him being so cute.

"What did I do to deserve an angel like this? " I thought and took a glance at jisung who was still excitedly looking at the tickets.

In a few minutes we arrived at the destination. We Parked the car and went in. Jisung was so excited and happy to see all those fishes and another sea animals. Tbh I didn't actually got the time to see those fishes and animals coz I can't take my eyes of the beautiful man in front of me.

In a few hours we got over with the aquarium and we went to eat since both of were very hungry.

Jisung's pov

Minmin hyung is taking me to lunch rn. The aquarium was so fun and I really enjoyed it. We sat of the private both on a cozy restaurant and order our food. After we were done eating we went to an ice cream parlor and since hyungie payed for food I insisted on paying for ice cream. I took the double chocolate chip while hyungie stick to the basic strawberry flavor.

We finished our ice creams and sat in the car. I thought we were going back we were not. "Did he planned anything else too"

"Hyung were r we going now? " I asked

"It's a surprise" he replied


BY FATE  minsung (text au) Where stories live. Discover now