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3rd person's pov
Both of them constantly went on dates together enjoying each other's presence.

And today was the same but different on the same time. Minho planned a date again and jisung obviously agreed. But today was special why? Coz minho Will ask him out today to be officially his boyfriend.

Minho completed setting up pillows and blankets on the couch for their movie date. He heard a beep from microwave reminding popcorns are done. He took out the first packet and put another one inside the microwave (coz what if they finished all the popcorns even before the movie starts). He placed the chips and popcorns bowls on the table besides the pizza's which was just delivered minutes ago. And the oreos, coke and cheesecake obviously. He bought for jisung coz it was his favorite.

He places everything on the table and patiently waiting for 2 seconds until he just can't do it anymore he checked everything again and and especially his pockets for the velvet box in which sits the ring he gonna give to jisung and ask him to be his boyfriend.

He heard the knock on the door to which he suddenly jumped getting all nervous again. He took a deep breath and open the door revealing jisung who was smiling whith cheeks puffed up.

Minho allowed jisung in and within minutes they both settled on the couch.

Half way through the movie Minho felt weight on his shoulder. He turned to side only to find out jisung almost drowsing off. He shifted abit so that jisung was laying on his lap.

Not long enough jisung was fast asleep. Minho looked at his love with adoration in his eyes, the person he has given his whole world too. Minho kissed jisung's forehead and shifted his head onto a pillow. He got up and went to his bedroom freaking out he called hyunjin and told him everything. He was so nervous (and loud) that he woke up jisung.

"Hyung..?" Jisung called with sleepy voice.

Minho freaked out again but he decided to finally not being a pussy and ask jisung to be honest s boyfriend.

With the small steps and heart running like crazy he went into the living room.

"Hyung what was that sound?"
Jisung ask still being half awake.

"Sung listen here carefully. This thing is important." Minho said calmly tho he was freaking out.

"What is it? Hyung u are scaring me!" Jisung said worried

Minho took a deep breath and started saying "jisung look whatever happens is for a reason. U texted the wrong number that's why i am able to be with you here. I've realised i wanna be with you. This we've spent together was the best and the most precious time to me. I cannot imagine seeing a single day without you. So i wanna ask.."

Jisung was shocked listening to what Minho said. He was wide awake and eyes fully open staring at Minho the boy he loved.

"WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND HAN JISUNG?" Minho said taking out the ring from his pocket.

Jisung didn't waste a single second and pull the older boy in a kiss. Their lips perfectly fitting with eachother moving in sync. They broke the kiss after few minutes and connected their forehead.

"That was my answer" jisung said while smiling eyes still closed.

The looked at each other and Minho put the ring on jisung's finger. "Forever and always for you" Minho wispered.

Hi guys it's been a long time since i updated this. But I finally completed this hope u enjoy. Do check out my other stories too and I'd be working on a new one which I'd be releasing in few weeks. Thank you for reading 💞.

BY FATE  minsung (text au) Where stories live. Discover now