Ward 1: Test Me

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Warning: This book contained sensitive language and delicate content.

If you have weak lungs, stay away from this hell, but if you dare, you are WELCOME to this "psychotic" romance.


"Paradise is surrounded by what we dislike; the fires of hell are surrounded by what we desire".



The world was wrapped in gloom. The wind was angry with the rain, for it was holding it back from giving its full blow.

It was a stormy evening when the two young men found a house to sleep in for the night. They were drunk, but the old man still welcomed them because no taxis were coming to their village at that time.

"What should we do now, bro?baba will be going to kill us"

"King Fregow gonnnna"

"You are wasted bro, we need to go home"

The old man heard a voice coming from their front house, when he peeked from the hole in his house wall, which was built during his younger years, he found two young men. The old man was a kind man who was always willing to give a helping hand.All the youngsters he met,he always treated them like his grandchildren.He went outside to meet his visitors for the night.

"Come, come, it's dangerous to stay outside" the two young men were touched by the old man's kindness.He let them in.

"Are there any taxis that would pass here?" The old boy asked, but while talking he felt a sudden blurriness in his vision.

"Usually, but because of the bad weather, I doubt it, son "

"What about a hotel?"He asked again, while trying to make himself sober.

"It's far from here, and it will be expensive there"

"My brother is very drunk. Can we wait for the rain to stop before we go home? Our home is very far away, "the old boy tried to bargain. But it was not just his brother, even him was also drunk.

"Of course, you can stay, you can sleep here," the old man answered without even thinking twice.

"Thank you so much, we owe you"

"No, no, I am helping you because you are still young, and it is very dangerous for the two of you to wait outside"

"You are very kind"

"Don't mention it"

The old man allowed them to sleep in the living room and left them when they fell asleep. The rain had no plan to stop. It poured heavily, like it wanted to create a hole on the old man's thin roof. The two men were sleeping soundly until the other one greedily hugged the mattress, so the most drunk one stood up, planning to ask for another blanket, but he entered the wrong room. He saw a young woman, he was mesmerized, and before he knew it, , he followed what Satan whispered to him. The power of lust. He couldn't control the arousal and suddenly even his brain was shocked when he felt the young woman's body, without a warning, he was on top of her.

The new sensual feeling made him excited like a horse that was aggressively running to win the race. Nothing in his brain was in the proper place at the moment. He was still consumed by the alcohol, the rain wasn't able to wash his intoxication away.

His lust was raging like a fire that couldn't be extinguished, that even the light was cut off to participate in this evil scene

"No, who are you, no please no!" she was shocked when she was awoken by his dirty touch and felt their indecent position, but due to darkness, she couldn't easily escape from his stronghold.

She cried hopelessly, but the young man was very intoxicated,he felt very powerful,he was like a heartless beast who slowly devoured her delicate soul, every piece of it. She tried hard to get away, but she wasn't able to protect her chastity. He did it, he destroyed her.

The old man heard the crying of a withered flower. He immediately went to her bedroom and there he saw, in the darkness, the shadow of a monster who had killed his granddaughter's soul.

The young man immediately noticed the grandfather, and there was remorse when he saw the man who helped them, but it was too late, he already did it. He stood up and was planning for an escape.

He ran, but the old man caught him. However, due to weak stamina, the young man was able to easily escape from his old hands.

The old man fell on the floor, he was vulnerable to stand and chase the beast. Using his fragile voice, he shouted." You raped her, you violated her soul!"

She could hear her nono screaming to the beast, the young man could hear it and slowly regaining his normal self, he ran while grabbing his cardigan on his way, but what he didn't know was that it was not his cardigan, it was hers.

The brother of the young man ran along with him." What did you do? What did you?"

"I don't know, I don't know, just run" with a shaky voice, the other young man shouted.

They saw the taxi and they hurriedly went inside. They were like criminals who were running for their lives.

The girl didn't even see the face of her rapist, but though the night was so dark and blurry, this evil act would be judged fairly. The criminals would be held liable and would be punished for their crime.


AN:(Dispense the grammar and typos)✌

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