Ward 43 : Ignore Me

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"Love is a reciprocal torture".

Marcel Proust


Drayan visited her husband to make peace. They couldn't back to the way it was but at least they could stay civil.

When Harix brought her to her annem,he didn't talk along the ride. Sometimes they conversed, but not like the way before that night.

Drayan almost opened Harix's office door when she heard two voices arguing.

"I can't do that, annem"

"But son,your baba is not fighting anymore" the mother tried to reason out using her fragile voice.

"How can you say that? He is still breathing" and the son had also something to say in order to block his mother's suggestion.

It was the first time she saw her husband's weakness.His state right now was something she didn't expect.He was already burnout.His husky voice and his eyes were obvious that it were being deprived of a nice sleep.She finally found out the reason why Harix deposited her to her mom.

"It is because of the machine"

"No,you are wrong, it's because Allah is helping him"

"You are deluding yourself son,it is the machine that is forcing him to breathe"

"The machine will not work without the help of the creator"

Harix chose to have faith, it was the only thing that he could hold on.
Drayan felt the pain and hurt of the man she learned to love. She slowly closed the door and marched where her feet could carry her, but while walking, Leo spotted her.


"Doc Leo"Drayan was amazed to see her husband's abhi. But as far as her brain could remember, she knew that the doctor didn't work in her husband's hospital.

"Selam, it's nice to see you again"

"Selam"Drayan answered

"Well I transferred here for Baba, he has been critical for four nights now, and my little bro needs his abhi"

"He has been here for four nights?"

'Yeah,he didn't tell you?"

"I..I didn't ask"

"Well you know my bro, he didn't like explaining things"

"But I guess I deserved to know?"

Yes she deserved to know, those four nights were blurry to her.She thought her husband's was ignoring her.

"You know,he was devastated,and this isn't something that he could easily say,that's why he didn't tell you"

"Your annem.."

"Yeah,she wanted to remove the life support,but we can't do that,we are desperate, desperately hoping that one way or another he will wake up"

Drayan didn't notice the tears coming out from her eyes.

"Oh Drayan, please Harix will think that I made you cry"

"I just feel bad"she felt useless for him, her role was to stay behind her husband, but her husband would not let her in, and it's painful to her when all she wanted to do was to comfort him but all her husband's did was to push her away, but she was guilty also that most of the time she was the one who pushed him away.

"Abhi"they both looked at the source of the voice

Drayan called her husband to look at her

"We have a meeting" Harix exclaimed while looking at his abhi

"Your-"Leo was about to say that his wife was here, but Harix didn't even look at his wife,he just turned his back from them and walked straight to the elevator. He couldn't face Drayan right now.He was in the period where almost his body and soul were exhausted from the test of life. He was afraid that his wife could mirror the pain he hid within.

"What's wrong with him?"

"You know,some sort of misunderstanding I guess" Drayan embarrassingly said

"I wish I could help,but I need to follow him now"

Drayan didn't let her eyes followed the two men.She looked away and strolled outside.Her husband was still angry,it was still not extinguished yet.

Drayan wished she could redo that night and prevented it from happening, the night where Harix violated her soul and the night where she rubbed the truth on her husband's face.She thought that it was only her who suffered from those that couldn't be filtered nightmare,she didn't know that Harix was also suffering almost every night,every night when his sleep was deep, his soul would still travel to the place and to the memory lane where they both hated.

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