Ward 3:Protect Me

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"That's the trouble with the world. We all despise ourselves."
-Charlie Chaplin


"You need to get out, you need to go to school, you have to eat" Drayan's nono convinced her again. He was now sitting while looking at his grandchild who was also sitting on the floor.

Her state right now was so devastating. She lost her life and her Nono could see it. He regretted when he trusted the strangers because those strangers were wicked, they took advantage of the kindness of the old man.

"I am afraid," Drayan said while hugging herself. She always hugged herself every time someone approached her.

"You need to eat, you must live"

"I feel dead Nono"

"Oh my lamb,don't say that"

She was dead inside, everything on her was broken.She was alive but not living,she stopped living after that night.

After the incident,she never went out.She confined herself inside the four corners of her room.

She felt broken,she felt dirty, and her nono knew that she needed time to heal.He could see that she stopped doing the things that she loved to do, it was apparent to the old man that the tragic event happened to her, changed her internal world, she stopped praying, her mouth started to own the anguish of the world, it stopped on smiling. His nono was broken to confirm that her grandchild already burned her hope and lost her faith.

But her nono understood these drastic changes,she was mentally ill now.She was traumatized.The insanity almost consumed all her stained soul,she had fallen to the pit of internal hell.

Her nono was willing to help her to regain what she had lost. Although they needed to take the long way to do this, he  was still willing to teach her again about the faith.

"Drayan,you need to be strong"
Drayan's eyes were fixated on the wall,but her vision was looking beyond that old wooden wall.

She could hear her nono, but she couldn't answer.She felt helpless and she felt hopeless.

"Drayan please my lamb,eat,your Nono will be worried"

Drayan loved her nono so much,even though she lost her mind,she was conscious with her nono's existence

"If you don't eat,I will not eat"

Drayan weak voice called out to her rock,her only support.

"Don't,you will get sick,if you get sick you can't take care of me"
Drayan said while looking at her nono's face

"If you want your Nono to be strong,you need to be strong too"

"Let us eat Nono"

"That's my good girl"


When Drayan finished eating,her nono opened her drawer and searched for something.Drayan was still sitting on the floor while looking at her nono.

"I found it" Her nono exclaimed after he found what he was searching for.

"You found a cloth" , Drayan empty response.It was not just a cloth, it was a hijab.She forgot what it meant, what it symbolized because she confined the knowledgeable girl inside the wall of her brain.

She forgot her love for her religion.She forgot the sacred clothing,she forgot her faith, herself and her true identity. She buried the memory that knew what she was and who she was.

Her nono traveled toward where his grandchild was sitting.

"This is a hijab, no one will touch you if you wear this" this was the first lesson he taught to her granddaughter.

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