Ward 35 : Persuade Me

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"But you see, the measure of hell you're able to endure is the measure of your love". — Ayn Rand

One month had passed after Harix and Drayan broke their marriage. One month passed, but Harix was still pursuing the woman of his life. The days without Drayan were hell to him.He imagined Drayan every night waiting for him on the dining table. He always remembered her smile,her childish act and her beautiful face. The day his wife left,he felt the infinite void .Indeed, the creator planned it perfectly, they were destined to meet,and he was destined to help Drayan. He met Drayan to pay for his crime,and he was willing to do everything to wash away his sins.

"Drayan please let's reconcile" Almost everyday he was waiting outside of Drayan's school. Drayan was also working now as a janitress in the big company owned by her classmate's brother,and his name was Pablo 

"What are you doing here Harix?" Drayan stopped stepping forward when she saw her husband.She was staying now in her nono's house.She was trying to start her life again, but how could she do that if the man she wanted to forget kept on appearing in her life?

Their scene was always like this everyday.Her husband kept on chasing her,he kept on trying, even though there was no assurance that his wife would give him another chance.

"Dry you don't need to do this,you don't need to work,just come back to me" Harix begged again.He didn't imagine that one day he would beg and please a woman. He wanted to preserve his cold persona, but when it came to Drayan he was willing to leave his cold vessel and let his warm body roam around to pursue the woman who had gotten loose from his hold.

"Our story has already ended Harix,you ruined it" Drayan was already ready to forget her husband,but she still couldn't entertain the feelings of another man.Pablo was courting her, he thought no woman couldn't resist him. Drayan was kind to Pablo, but actually she was just respecting him because he was the one who hired Drayan, but this man thought that he had a chance in Drayan's heart.

"Give me a chance" Harix couldn't remember anymore on how many times he said these words. He kept on asking for a second chance, even though the chance he was asking was hard to be given at the moment. His wife was resolute to continue her life like a new woman, like she was unscathed in her entire life. She wanted to be freed from her past. She wanted to do it to forget the man.

"I can forgive, but I can't go back, how can I go back to you when everything is broken now?" She meant it,she really meant her words. And she was throwing the question to the man, and she was expecting to be answered because even her was also curious on how she could go back to her broken marriage. She wanted to know if, aside from chasing her, did her husband prepare another method to atone for his mistake.

"We will fix this,we can fix it together"

"My wounds are still fresh"

"Dry I want you"

"You better forget me because Pablo already proposed to me" Pablo already talked to Drayan's mother,he described their encounter with Drayan as love at first sight.With just a short span of time, he automatically concluded that he was in love. Drayan's annem couldn't say any words,she couldn't also agree or force her daughter to marry,although the divorce was in progress now,she still wanted to get the decision of her daughter. Of course, she hated Harix, during the moment she learned the truth,she wanted to spill blood and perform a suicidal approach.In her defense she was a mother, she had right to kill the man who killed her daughter's happiness.But she retreated with her dangerous plan when she saw her daughter's state.Although she couldn't relate,she wasn't in the right position to blame her child for loving the beast.

"What?did you?" Harix had difficulty concealing the shock and pain in his eyes,and his wife could see it. She knew she hurt the man with her bad news.

"I am planning to tell Annem my answer" But still continued to press her husband's swollen wound.

"You can't do that Drayan,you know you are married" Harix said anxiously, this was the first time he felt threatened. He was sure that he could easily replace Drayan, but he had no plan in replacing her, the feelings he felt for his wife were non-comparable.

"We will be divorcing soon"

"No I will not pursue the divorce"

"You will,that's your compensation,in fact it is nothing compared to what you took away from me" Drayan said bitterly. She didn't want to hurt the man, but this was only the way to push him away,to act as if she didn't care about him anymore.

"Drayan I am willing to compensate everything for you,if you will let me"

"Compensate me then,at least give me my consolation prize"

"I will,I will do everything just come back to me"

"You are hopeless Harix,for the last time I want to tell you that I will never ever go back to you" Drayan harshly declared their ending and extinguished their romance. She didn't want anymore to believe in destiny,she may be a damsel in distress and maybe Harix was her knight in shining armour who saved her, but the irony with their love story was , Harix was also the beast who put her in hell. Harix was a monster,Harix was a demon.This was her mantra after she left him.But no matter how she gave her best effort to convince her self ,there was still time that forgetting became difficult for her

"Divorce me and give me peace,don't bother me again" Harix just looked at her figure.He didn't answer.He didn't say yes, but he didn't also refuse.He wanted to force her to be with him again, but he knew there was another perfect time for that.He would not give up.He would continue on persuading his wife.

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