Ward 21 : Teach Me

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"There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear".

-Ben Jonson


Harix didn't intend to teach Drayan about the religion.Maybe he had planned to do it, but to his real wife,the one he chose,the one his heart desired.

He didn't imagine nor dream on this day when he needed to sit together with his new-found wife.

"Say Allahu Akbar"
Harix slowly said.He had been teaching these two Arabic words for five days straight, and he was stressed already.The handsome doctor was praying that today those five hard days would be paid off.

Drayan had difficulty pronouncing the word but Harix was amazed because she was trying.

Drayan was interested because she found a familiar scent,a familiar scenario.
She felt like she knew it before,she said it before.There was unknown happiness every time she sat with Harix,she had no idea that this was an old joy that she always felt every time her Nono would teach her about the Islamic faith.

"Al-lahu Akbar,try to connect the two L,pronounce it slowly and when you familiarize the word,read it fast"
If Gon was here he already memorized his abhi's dialogue.He repeated it many times already, but this was the first time for Drayan to talk after a long time of not being able to talk normally.It was like she was just learning to walk again.

"Al- Alla"

"Yes you are doing great"


"Come on,don't give up,ice cream is waiting"


"Okay say akbar"

"Ak akbar"

"Read it all,say Allahu Akbar"

"Al-- Allah--Allahu Ak-ak bar"

"Good girl,try it again, more ice cream to come"
Harix was treating her like a little girl.It was easier that way for the doctor.Although she was already his wife,he didn't want the reality to sink in yet. He was hoping that he could cure her first before it would sink in.Meaning the idea of being married to her was still hard for him to accept,it felt like a nightmare.If Drayan learned fast,he could finally wake up from this nightmare.Maybe this was the reason the doctor was trying hard to teach his insane wife,he was desperate to free himself from the dark cure.

"Allahu Akbar" after many struggles of trying, she finally got it.

"Perfect" Her husband said cheerfully to empower the young woman who was giving her hard effort at the moment.

"Really?" Drayan said with full of joy and excitement,she even clapped her hands.

"Yes,do you know what it means?"

"No" she sadly replied

"This means Allah is great"

"Allah is great" Drayan repeated her husband's word

"You know Allah right?"

"Yes,No-" The memory she had with her Nono was slowly flooded her mind.These memories were already deeply buried but now slowly retrieved.

"What's wrong?"
Harix worriedly asked.The eyes of the woman he was looking at were changed from happiness to sadness.

When Drayan saw the concern in her husband's eyes,she immediately answered him.

"My Nono told me about Allah"

"Great,now you remember it"

"So what is the meaning of these words?"Drayan curiously asked him.

"This means Allah is great,you want to know the deeper meaning?"

"This means Allah is great-ter than your pain,Allah can mend a broken heart"

"Broken heart?"

"Yeah,a broken heart feels like,there was something heavy that put on your chest,you feel like it's hard to breathe"

"I feel broken heart when Nono left me" Drayan said absentmindedly.She just carelessly threw all the words that her mind could produce.

"You feel heartbroken because you love your Nono"

"Did my Nono love me?"

"Of course"

"Why did he leave me?"

"Because he needed to go,but you will meet him in the hereafter but of course you will be able to know it when we go deeper with our lecture but for now, you have to learn first the first sacred words"

"Okay,but I am going to learn it right? If Nono is there,you must teach me how to get there"

"Of course,are you interested in knowing the other meaning of Allahu Akbar?"


"This means that Allah is great-ter than your suffering, if you failed to be with your Nono here in this world,you must not lose hope,because Allah will reunite you again in his perfect timing, because he was greater than all the pain and tribulations, all you need was to worship and trust him"

"We should ask him for help,he looks powerful"

"Yes indeed he is powerful,not only powerful but also merciful"


The lecture finally started,from this student-teacher relationship,if possible for the student to learn about faith,was it possible as well for the teacher to learn about love instead of hate?

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