Ward 33: Wreck Me

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"My heart is eternally yours, but my soul will always be hell bound". — Reyna Pryde


"Drayan Ebry Cham Hans, the daughter of Mrs. Gracia and Mr. Pura and the grandchild of the old man who helped us”

Harix stiffened, so Leo investigated his wife's past.He was able to dig the dark secret.

Leo Erick visited his little brother to tell him what he found out.He was also carrying the medical result of Drayan.

"Abhi" His reply to the painful revelation

"You are a monster Harix"
Leo Erick harshly proclaimed while throwing to his little bro the brown envelope which contained another big revelation

"That was the day of ignorance,I repented,I regretted it"

"Yeah, but you ruined someone's life.
Unfortunately, that someone is your wife"

Harix picked up the envelope from the floor, but before he could read the result his abhi revealed it to him.

"How dare you! you touched her again, and this time she bears a forbidden fruit"

Harix abruptly looked at straight his abhi.
Firstly, he wanted to tell him that what was his abhi's thinking was wrong. Compared to the first one it was not a violation of soul, he didn't force his wife, he asked permission and they both wanted it, and he wasn't aware that she was the girl. Secondly, he wanted to confirm his abhi's sudden news, so he asked

"She is pregnant?"
Surprised, happiness,excitement, and pain, these feelings were all flooded to Harix like a billiard balls fell in to one basket.

This was the reason Drayan got admitted on that day because she was pregnant.

Instead of giving an answer, Leo Erick asked a question that angered and burned his little brother.

"Tell me Harix ,does she smell the same? Taste the sam-?"

The hard fist of Harix landed on his abhi's face. This fist used to hold him and hug him. But now it was being used by his little brother to punch him.

"You are not my abhi anymore,you are just a man now with a bad mouth"

For the first time in 27 years, Harix detested his abhi.He loathed him now for ruining his marriage and his heart.

Leo Erick's felt the pain physically and emotionally.This was his little brother who was hitting him. The brother that he always saved and protected.The brother who loved him like a real abhi.

The old brother was hurt and because of the hurt and anger consuming him he was able to divulge and shout out loud the dark secret.

"You raped her, you... violated her soul!"

The glasses and the tray fell from Drayan's hand after Leo released those secret words. These glasses were being smashed into pieces, together with the happy memories they created with her husband.

Her eyes turned bigger than normal, his words were very familiar to her, and she browsed her mind until she found her hidden memory.

Everything were coming back to her now. The day her nono died, the day her baba died and the day she died. But when she looked at her husband another memories joined in,it showed the day she was being chased by Harix, taught by Harix,embraced by Harix.All the painful and happy memories clouded her mind.It was like she was seeing it all for real in a photo collage.It was all there, appearing not one by one but as one.

Harix's eyes almost came out when he saw his wife witnessing and hearing it all, she was trying to reject the words that she heard.

Drayan was beyond shocked to hear Leo's words.She shouted" No!" While shaking her head in a negative way.
Both the two men ran to her, this was bad, she broke down because of the sudden heavy and broken memories.

"No!" She was looking at Harix while saying no.Harix was stepping forward, intending to calm his wife.But the voice of Drayan became louder with every step he made.Her vision was slowly seeing a black spot until she passed out.Harix ran to catch his wife on time, indeed he was able to catch her and cage her in his arms.For now, she was in his arms, but when she woke up, she might leave the man to forget her past.


"You are awake Drayan"

"Where am I?"

"My dear, it's me Mrs.Kana,do you recognize me?"

"Of course"

"Alhamdulillah, young effendi is worried that the information would shock you and will lead you back to your unusual state"

"I am fine, Mrs.Kana,I am not that fragile woman anymore"

Drayan's spiritual power was strong now.She used to suffer from internal hell because of shaitan's whisper.It kept on reminding her of the dark memories.It made her depressed and hopeless. But that weak moments were gone, she could fight the whisper now through prayer, she knew now how to recognize and to fight her real enemy.

When she got raped, she was consumed by darkness because like everyone she was also in the process of learning her faith and she was still very young, if just her nono didn't die, she would heal fast because all what she needed was to retrieve, remember and deepen her hidden spiritual knowledge.

"Thank God, your husband is outside taking an emergency call"

"Mrs.Kana, can you give me the suitcase and my clothes?"

"Drayan? No, don't do this, at least settle this first"

"There is nothing to settle,I can't live with this house anymore"

"Drayan, young effendi was still young when that thing happened"

"And I am still young too;you saw me how I struggled to live with what you called “young pain”.

"I know it was hard,I have a daughter like you, her step-father deflowered her, I understand your pain and I won't invalidate it"


"It's Nora, but unlike you, she had another method to heal her pain, she changed her sexual identity to protect herself"

The old woman was talking about her only daughter who got molested and raped by her step-father.

Nory or Nora became a lesbian, she wanted to pretend as a man so that no men would look at her in a disgusting way.She joined the world of men to hide her bruised and stained female soul.But deep within her true identity was still hiding.

"I know how it feels, it was like scrubbing the dirt that already became scars, of course it would not be removed and if you keep on scrubbing it, it will bleed"

"I understand, but please young effendi is also a broken man, hear him out "

"I am sorry,I need to leave,, please get my things"



Islam firmly believes that there are only two types of gender, Male and Female.

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