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Rona glared at the necklace, as Seokhoon admired her beautiful hair which flowed in the gentle wind. "No, I don't want to go to the dance with you." Rona answered. Seokhoon had a surprised look on his face. "I do want to go somewhere with you though", she added. "What does that mean?", Seokhoon asked, puzzled. "This", Rona stood up on her tiptoes and offered Seokhoon a small kiss on the cheek. Seokhoon shyly smiled at her, unbothered to hide his feelings.

As Yunhee got home a little bit after Ronashe settled down, still stuck in a swarm of thoughts from what Seojin had told her. "Oh mom, your home", Rona said, rapidly hiding the necklace behind her back. Yunhee, who was too tired to care, went to wash up.

The next day, Seokhoon let Seokkyung walk to school by herself, telling her he'll wait at Rona's door to accompany her way. Rona carefully opened the door, trying to cover up Seokhoons existence from her mom's viewpoint. After walking towards the elevator, Seokhoon slid his hand under Rona's soft fingers and held her hand tightly, as they continued heading out.

Not wanting to go alone, Seokkyung decided to tag along with Eunbyeol and Jenny.

"Do you want to meet? I have something to say. When do you want to meet up? Are you free today?", Yunhee struggled to put her thoughts into words, hoping to set up a meeting with Seojin over text, as she didn't want to get any more suspicious meeting her at school in front of everyone. Seojin was quick enough to reply. After exchanging a few texts, they've agreed to meet at Yunhee's house, as Rona said she was heading in late today.

At Yunhee's house

"Come in", Yunhee told Seojin as she opened the door. Seojin sat down on the couch and stared at Yunhee as she offered to make her coffee. "Which kind?" Yunhee offered, as she poured the hot water into the cups. "You.." Seojin answered, clueless about the question proposed. "Me...what?", Yunhee questioned her. "N-No that's not what I meant, you left the door open", Seojin told her, letting a small laugh out. Yunhee felt embarrassed as she went to go close the door, but that changed in seconds as Seojin got up and swifted towards her in an orderly fashion. "I was just kidding, I barely noticed the door", Seojin told her, I'm a flirty-tone. They both laughed. As they sat, Yunhee listened to Seojin's childhood stories, jokes, and other things she had to say. Feeling secure, she then rested her head on Seojin's broad, but gentle in a way, shoulder.

Almost falling asleep, they both shook awake as they heard the door opening. Yunhee quickly hid Seojin in her bedroom and went to check out the situation. "Rona? Shouldn't you be out late?", Yunhee asked as Rona walked in. "It's already 7:00 (PM)", Rona told her mom. Yunhee figures time goes faster than expected when Seojin accompanies her. After feeding Rona dinner, Yunhee hurried to check on Seojin, who was hiding in her closet. "You can come out of that stuffy space" Yunhee whispered, as she opened the closet door. They sat down and hoped to come up with a plan quick enough but they were both anxious. As Rona went to wash up, Seojin took her chance and sprinted out of there.

As the days went on, Seojin and Yunhee frequently met, leaving Rona suspicious of her mom's change in attitude. "Mom, your leaving again? I thought you were done with work?" Rona asked, as she noticed Yunhee rushing out the door. "Uh something came up, I'm busy nowadays" Yunhee told her.

Rona felt as if Yunhee was hiding something from her, so she decided to ask Suryeon about it. "My mom's been acting weird, I don't know if I did something wrong...", Rona told her. "No, I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong" the woman replied, comforting Rona. Suryeon feared to admit it, but she had sensed something off about Yunhee these past few days. "I went to the new Cafe across the street with Seokhoon and noticed my mom.." Rona added. "Was she with anyone?" Suryeon asked. "...She sat with Ms. Cheon" Rona spoke after leaving a solemn silence. Suryeon expected her to be with someone, but after hearing the rumors about their past, she doubted with a fact it'd be Seojin. Suryeon offered Rona to have a sleepover with Seokkyung while she sorted things out with her mom.

That night, Seokkyung needed to vent just as much as Rona. "Rona~ya, have you ever heard of same-sex marriage?", Seokkyung slowly brought up the topic. "Well yes, why?", Rona asked, politely. "Well, do you support it?", Seokkyung asked, with little to no hope someone would understand her. "I don't see why I shouldn't" Rona answered. Even though Rona probably wouldn't see it, her answer made Seokkyung feel safe and cared for. "Is this because of Eunbyeol?", Rona blurted out the question. Seokkyung looked at her, shocked and ashamed with droopy eyes. "Did you think I wouldn't know? You guys are over top eachother 24/7, everyone thinks you'd make a great couple." Rona exclaimed, hugging Seokkyung before she started crying.

  The next day Rona acted clueless as to what happened last night, whilst still intentionally pushing Seokkyung towards Eunbyeol as they were walking to school.

  Yunhee had called Seojin over to her house later that afternoon. "Sit down", Yunhee told her, waiting to tell her serious news. "I think alot of people are getting suspicious about me, I doubt they know about you. I don't want you getting hurt because of me" Yunhee assured her. Seojin lifted her head to look at Yunhee's face, which was full of worry. "Why don't we just tell them? I'm sick of hiding, I want to love you freely" Seojin remarked, sitting straight. "How will our kids react? How will the other residents react? How will the internet react?" Yunhee reminded her. "We shouldn't be so hasty with this" she added. Seojin dropped her chin down thinking about Eunbyeol. She knew she would have to tell her one day, but that day was not going to be today.

  "Mom?" Rona asked, as she walked into the living room, noticing Seojin quickly pick her head off Yunhee's lap from the corner of her eye. They both rapidly stood up off the couch and stared at Rona, pretending to have talked about business matters. "

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