wei ying is PREGNANT!?

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Heya everyone this one is requested by Lovelessfukai 

Hope you enjoy and pls read the announcements that are made on my profile~

Also, this one contains smut so viewers beware though I will warn when it will start so don't worry about it and this might be a long AU.

The picture has been taken from Twitter and the credit goes to @alasse tasartir On Twitter her artwork is amazing so pls make sure to check her out.

Anyways let's begin with the reactions~

"Lan Zhan" Wwx called out sitting on his dear husband's lap.
"Nothing" I wonder if we will ever have a small lan's running around the cloud recess was left unsaid.
"Wei Ying. Doesn't need to hide things." Lan Zhan said fighting his hand around Wwx's waist holding him closer.
"It's just.. lan Zhan have you ever thought of having little lans running around cloud recess?.." Wei Ying asked whispering the last part closing his eyes and sighing.
"Does Wei Ying want to have kids?." Lan Zhan asked carefully choosing words.
"Yes... I do... but I don't think it can happen.. sorry.." Wwx said closing his eyes and resting against his husband's chest.
"Wei Ying should not be sorry for things like this. Wei Ying will make it possible" lan Zhan said praising his beloved and believing him.
"Lan Zhan... it's not easy but we will see about that some other time. For now, I just want to stay with you and a-yuan and all the others." Wei Ying replied as comforting silence enveloped them both.

"Do you think it's possible?" Jiang Cheng bluntly said not realizing that someone ppl heard him.

"I don't know Jiang Cheng but I will try to see bout it" Wei Wuxian replied when he heard his brother's words.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything but got up from his seat and went away being a bit embarrassed and still not being able to face his brother knowing the truth.

"Helloeiw everyonie~" veronica called out.

"Hello" came the reply.

"Alright, so today we are going to react to something very very very good hope ya all enjoy it and also it's of future and ye background is that it was lan Wanji's birthday and Wei Wuxian suddenly fainted and was taken to the infirmary where lan xichen checked upon him" veronica explained as everyone nodded while lab Zhan held his Wei ying closer and tighter.

"Alright, so today we are going to react to something very very very good hope ya all enjoy it and also it's of future and ye background is that it was lan Wanji's birthday and Wei Wuxian suddenly fainted and was taken to the infirmary where lan x...

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