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"Guess it's an old habit" Wei Wuxian replied giving him a bright smile which vanished when purple robes flowed in front of him embracing him in a tight hug which he never expected he would get from the said angry Lotus.


The room was filled with utter disbelief and adore of love.
No one had ever seen the sect leader of yunmeng who is known for his anger, break down and cry openly in front of anyone at all! Especially his brother whom he hated the most!

"Did you plan on leaving me alone again!? Idiot!" Jiang Cheng screamed hugging Wwx rightly
"No... no Jiang Cheng.. didi.. sorry I left you alone all this time... And no I won't leave again... I am so sorry to worry you" Wwx said hugging Jiang Cheng tight as well.
"I am sorry...brother..." Jiang Cheng mumbled as he slowly pulled himself out of Wwx's embrace
"You don't have to Cheng-cheng I already forgave you a long time ago" Wwx smiled at him petting his head
"Your seriously too good for your good xiongdi..."
"Hehe" Wwx chuckled lightly and sighed.
"Thank you and sorry," Wwx said looking at everyone.
"A-xian u don't have anything to say those for... it's us who should be saying that.." Wei changze and cangse sanren said together as they pulled their son in a big hug. "We are sorry you had to suffer so much because of us darling.. we love you okay? Never forget that" cangse said kissing his head while changze petted his head.

"Mmhm" came the voice of a vinegar drinking.
"Ahh lan Zhan 😅" Wwx awkwardly laughed as he saw lwj slightly pouting though nobody noticed it except xichen as he held back a chuckle.
"Wei Ying" lan Wanji called out and Wwx jumped in his arms hugging him tightly. "I am here lan Zhan... I love you and I won't leave u ever again" Wwx said holding onto the particular lan tighter as it got returned the same "mmhm will not let Wei Ying leave." Lan Wanji said having a death grip on Wwx.

"Okay love birds now come on we still got tons of angst to look at especially this is an important part!" Came the voice of the white-haired anchor.
"I wonder what she is talking about," lan jingyi asked being curious

"Jiang yanli, Jiang Cheng, sect leader lan, Hangaunjun, Wei Wuxian, wen Qing, and wen ning, for his video pls take the front seat cuz these will be concerning all of you" they all looked at each other and nodded to themselves taking the seat in front.

"Alright so let's start... This is the time when louts pier was massacred and the yunmeng trio escaped and they were helped by the dafan wens.".

Listing to this both Jiang Cheng and Wwx got stiffened as both knew what was coming.

... When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world

Wwx and jc are shown playing as little kids alongside Jiang yanli chuckling.

We smoked cigarettes man no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word

Wwx is shown Standing on the cliffs breaking down while Jiang Cheng is shown holding their dead shijie...

... We've taken different paths

Wwx is shown getting thrown off the burial mounds

And traveled different roads

Jiang Cheng is shown ascending the thrown of louts pier as sect leader.

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

Jiang Cheng is shown hugging Wwx as he comes back from burial mounds.

And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you

Wwx is shown protecting Jiang Cheng from the punishment of madam yu and is also shown him protecting during the wens.

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