Wei wuxian!

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Hellow everyone~ new update hope you enjoy this and this one has a lot and lots of angst so warning you and also pls keep tissue paper with you incase you end up crying qwq well without furtherado lets start~~
•after a while•
Everyone came and took their places in the reaction room and wen Rouhan sat besides wen Qing and wen ning.
"All right first let react to Wei wuxian then one of the biggest secrets that made a lot of misunderstanding and then we will react to Jiang Cheng"

Everyone nodded their heads understanding the situation.
Lwj had made Wwx sit in his lap. Lan xichen and Jiang Cheng were sitting together holding hands and so were the other couples while the children's were huddled close to each other more curious about thei senior Wei's life.

"Alright so the first is what Wei wuxian has gone through. More like a summary sort of" veronica announced pressing an button as an video started to play.

"A waste?"

"Wei Ying is not a waste!" Lan wanji gritted his teeth.
"A weak?"
"Senior Wei is more powerful then any other person present here!" Lan jingyi spated out clearly disgusted by the cultivation world.

"He was blamed for so many things yet he was never seen for the things he did"

A deep silence feel in the room as the words sank inside the head of each and every person sitting there.

"His brother faulted him for the death of their family when none of it was his fault"

Jiang Cheng clenched his fist tight looking down having an internal tornado of emotions. Lx noticed this and immediately hugged Jiang Cheng letting him let his emotion out a bit.

"He was framed for his sister's husband's death when in reality he didn't kill him"

Jin zixuan looked over to see a blank faced Wwx staring at him and Jiang yanli while lwj had emotions of grief.
"A-xian. It was not your faut I don't blame u nor you wen ning. It was non of urs fault ok?" Jin zixuan said looking at wen ning who had his head hung low in guilt.
Wwx simply just nodded his head as lwj continued to hold him.

" And then was blamed for her death, she died saving him!!"

Another round of silence followed the words.

"He was called a traitor when he decided to help innocent people instead of going back to cloud recess!!"

"Those wen were not at all innocent they killed all of them killed innocent people!!!" Sect leader yao spoke up with deep hate.

"Sect leader yao." Wwx called out giving him a smile which did not reach his eyes. He got up from lwj's lap and walked towards sect leader yao having black strings dance around him and his eyes blood shot red.
"A person is innocent or not does not come from their surname. Your pretty man-whore lied to you all and his bitch son followed his steps making u all so blind that you could not see that the so called wens u keep talking about were mere healer and farmers! None of them was a cultivator along with a four years kid and 80 years old grandma! You really have no shame fucking bastards!" Wwx shouted capturing sect leader yao in a ball of resentful energy making it difficult for sect leader yao breathe.
"Ahh monster!!! Get me out of here your nothing more then a monster!!" He continued to shout as Wei wuxian got even more pissed and veins started to pop up on his forehead.
"Wei Ying calm down." Lwj walked up to his demonic husband hugging him from Behind.

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