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This is a small story between lan qiren and wen Rouhan and how he came to know others and also the sorry of these two will be explained in future parts this part is just to keep a link between no sorry no thank you 18+ and the next chapter which is Wei wuxian so yeah enjoy this~

Lan qiren is sitting on the window looking out wondering about something as he was alone and his eyes filled with tears and a lost look on his face which no one had ever seen.

"A-ren?" Lan yufei knocked on his door

"Come in it open" lan qiren replied with a normal voice hiding the lost look and sadness.
Lan yufei came inside and looked around the room to find lan qiren sitting on the window still with his hair open and no frown on his face but the familiar lost look in his eyes.

"I have came to invite you to something would u like to join?" Lan yufei asked giving lan qiren a mothers smile which he returned with a simple nod and a small smile.

Lan qiren got up and dressed himself properly following yufei out of his room.

Soon they reached a garden where Qingheng-Jun, madam jin, Wei changze, cangse sanren, Jiang fengmian, madam yu, were sitting in circle and a man in a hood was standing near the small pond behind the old oak tree.

"Miss vero invited someone for you to meet. She said it's a gift from her to you. You should go and talk to him" lan yufei said as she walked toward her husband and took her seat besides him. Lan qiren had a weird feeling of familiarity with the man in the hood so he approached him

"Hello. May I know who you are and what purpose you have with me?" Lan qiren asked having his usual frown and angry face which he kept using as a cover.

Soon the man turned around and removed the hood.

The earth beneath lan qiren legs shook as he realised who was the man standing infront of him.. for so many years he waited for him... He loved him... He is the sole reson he became this angry and stuck up the rules hs is the reason behind him losing his smile. This man took everything from him completely shattering his heart.

"Why.. are you here..." Lan qiren voice broke his cold demourn completely broke seeing the man in front of him alive and giving him a small smile.

"Hello a-ren" the man said which made lan qiren even more disturbed as he fell to his knees not knowing what to do anymore.

"Why are you here...why..."

He mumbled under his breath and looked up at the said man whom now he hated with all his living being who destroyed his home. Who stole and took everything from him.

"Why... Wen Rouhan"


Lan Qiren had passed out on floor blood dripping from his mouth. Lan sang (Qingheng-Jun) ran towards his brother and quickly took him to the infirmary not carring about the man in the hood standing there shocked and looking broken.

Hearing the commotion all the others woke up and came towards the infirmary.

"What happened!?" Wei wuxian said limping a bit while in his night clothes running towards the infirmary bed where lan qiren was lying.
"He had a panicked attack" came the voice of a familiar but unknown person standing far in the back hidding under his hoodie.

"Uncle.." wanji called out as he saw his uncle fluttering his eyes open slowly.

"Wanji..wuxian.. come here.." la said with a gently voice which made everyone shock!.
Immediately the said pair runned to his side with Wwx holding lq hand and lwj standing besides his uncle's head arguing if he should pet him or not.

"Wuxian... I am sorry... For everything I have done so far to you... I never saw you for who you were...I always saw u as an image of someone.."

he looked around to find the hooded man looking at him and lq continued to speak staring at the said man

"I always saw you...as an image... Of someone.... I once loved...yes your heartless uncle once was in love...it was like you and wanji...but that said man...turned against me...did not believe me...left me...broke me...shutter me out...destroyed everything I worked hard to build and hold"

lq said coughing a bit and sighing heavily as tears threaten to fall.

"Wanji wuxian... Promise this old uncle that you will never leave each other's side...and pls forgive this stupid old hag" lan qiren huffed a chuckle coughing more.

"Master lan pls we forgive you.. I forgive you.. pls don't blame your self anymore"Wwx said as tears kept falling his eyes as he had never seen old lan so vulnerable and so broken.

"Mhm uncle we forgave you. We promise never to leave each other." Wanji said keeping a hand on Wwx's shoulder and another on his uncle hand which was being held by Wwx.

"Good...now let this old man rest... I am sure miss Veronica has something for you to discuss about and it's also imp" with that lq passed out again but this time he had steady breaths and his face seemed to be calm.

Wwx and lwj stood there for a while looking over at there uncle.

As everyone silently wipped the tears in their eyes.

The hooded man just stood there witnessing the pain he had put on his lover feeing guilt of it and wanting to kill himself again and again.

Lan sang came and stood beside them along with Wei changze"a-zhan, a-ying you guys should go and rest we will take from here"

"No baba. I will first find the one who gave uncle so much pain and kill him then only I will dare to rest" Wwx said with red eyes and demonic aura surrounding him.

"Wei Ying" wanji called out calmly which instantly calmed down the demonic cultivator
"Ahh lan Zhan!"

"I am sorrry to interrupt this but the time is here and I promise you will know about lan qiren and his lover soon oh and I forgot to mention the said lover is here in this room" veronica annouced comming out of the blue and removing the hood off wen Rouhan.

All the juniors and seniors stood socked expect for those who knew.

"Y-you!" Jiang Cheng said angre feeling his veins and zidian crackling on his finger.

"Wen Rouhan!?" Lan xichen asked not beliveing what just happened.

"Children.. this is the truth.. they both were soulmates made for each other but things happened" madam jin (jin zixuan mom) said looking at the shocked and disbelieved faces of the kids.

"I am sorry. I can't say anything else or do anything else as what I have done is way more then what I imagine...things went wrong and I did it wrong... I am sorry to each and everyone of you....for burning ur homes... snatching ur families....making you all suffer....I made my own happy clan suffer...I don't know why miss veronica called me here but let me apologise to all of you" wen Rouhan said bowing infront of them.

"I bought you here because u were also controlled and framed just like someone else here so before ya all start playing blame games. Go and get dressed and meet me in reaction room in ten minutes!" Veronica exclaimed being annoyed at the author of this book who doesn't know how to write simple things without making the character be vulnerable and expressive!!

Everyone went to do their things while wen Rouhan sat on the ground besides lan qiren and silently breaking down blaming himself for everything.

•after a while•

Everyone came and took their places in the reaction room and wen Rouhan sat besides wen Qing and wen ning.

"All right first let react to Wei wuxian then one of the biggest secrets that made a lot of misunderstanding ad then we will react to Jiang Cheng"

And cut!! Sorry this is short but welp anywyas look forward to the next chapter bye bye love ya all take care and stay safe~~🤗🤗

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