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Oaky so this will be a smut chp if u don't want to read then kindly skip this chp cuz I won't write any reactions here but there is some important part going to be written in the end so pls make sure to read it and skip the smut if u don't want it as tmit has been marked. welp anyways let's get started with the spice~>
(We directly go to WangXian room where both of them are sitting opposite each other and having silence)

The silence was getting more and more akward for Wwx and lwj as they both tried to find something to talk. When suddenly Wwx said "lan Zhan.. would you help me take a bath?" He asked hopefully looking at his husband who's face was distressed. Lwj looked back at his husband and saw the familiar guilt and sadness taking place in Wwx eyes. "Mmhm" he replied as he got up from his seat Carried Wwx to the already warm water filled in the bathtub.
Wwx got down and undressed himself when he was about to sit in lwj caught him again and picked him up bridal style.
He placed Wwx in the bathtub as gently as he can and started removing his own clothes folding them neatly and putting them aside.
Wwx sat in the tub having his eyes closed when warm hands wrapped themself around his waist holding him.
" I am sorry Wei Ying... I know what happened in the future affected you... I don't know why I said and did those things...." Lwj apologised with a very low voice which had a tons of sadness and self blame.
"Lan Zhan" Wei wuxian turned around to look at his husband who had red eyes probably from the tears he was holding back. He slowly wrapped his hand around lwj's neck and kissed him gently he looked up at him and said "I know why you said what you said and why you did what you did.. I have already left you one time and I know how much pain it put you through... Infact I should apologise for putting myself at risk and hurting you and other in return..I am just a bi-" before he could complete his words were stolen by the pair of soft cold lips against his that gave him tremendous pleasure making him whimper as a hot wet tongue slides inside his mouth. Lwj continued to suck and bit Wwx lips and tongues making the latter unable to breath. After a while when they pulled back Wwx had teary eyes and his lips were red and swollen with him panting heavily and letting out a few "mmhm~" because the sensation still hadn't left. Lwj replied in a husky voice " Wei ying is not a bother. He is not a toy. He is a man of beauty and respect! He is everything good in this world. His decision may be hurt full but the happiness after it makes everything the best." Lwj continued pulling the latter in a tight hug as those words sank inside Wwx head his eyes got filled with tears again "Wei Ying. I love you. And I woud love to have a family with you. These time I won't be scared and put all my faith and trust in you." Lwj said kissing Wwx forehead with gentleness and love, holding him tighter.
"Lan Zhan.." Wwx said breaking away from the hug with big droplets of tears coming down on his cheeks "lan Zhan... Those words mean so much to me. Lan Zhan I love you more than anything more then myself. I will and always will love you." Wwx said as lwj wiped the tears from his face gently. "Lan Zhan. Miss Veronica gave me the talisman we can use and she also told me the details of it..." He paused for a min and looked up at his husband who had glints of shock in his eyes "do you... Do you want to do it?.. do you want our own little lan's running around?" Wwx asked with hopeful eyes which lwj returned with a gently kiss "ofcourse I do Wei Ying. Will do. Everything and anything to keep Wei Ying happy." Lwj said looking at his husband with a gentle smile on his face which was getting brighten by the light placed on the side.

Wwx just started at the ethereal being infront of him who was apparently his husband, his best friend, his soul mate, his life confident, his whole life and his everything.

"Let's finish up the bath first" lwj said breaking Wwx out of his thoughts "mmhm" nodded Wwx letting lwj spoil him with love and care.

Lwj continued to give Wwx a bath and once done he carried Wwx out of the both in bridal style and lay him down on the bed as water droplets covered Wei wuxian body his plump pink lips part slightly, his hir everywhere, his tones chest which has a lot of scars. Lwj got mesmerized by the beauty of his husband's original body. Yeah they did everyday and saw eachother naked but lwj had never seen Wei Ying in his original body especially like this. His size too was similar to lwj's when he is at his highest. He gulped down the saliva that formed in his mouth trying to calm himself down.

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