Wildfire Part 2

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When she wakes up, Winona sees Glenn is already awake and out of the tent. She gets changed into the clothes she's going to wear for the day, packing the rest of her stuff up. Her eyes land on Rick's zip-up and she realizes she hasn't worn it in awhile, with all the moving of bodies and whatnot. She smiles at it and puts it in her backpack, not knowing what the trip to the C.D.C. will hold, and not wanting to get it dirty. She steps out of the tent and sees Rick, "Mornin' Cowboy! How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good, considering the current situation. You?"
"Great, didn't have to listen to Shane's snores all night and Glenn was out before me. I assume you're going to radio Morgan?"
"You assumed right. You coming with?"
"Of course, Grimes." The two start to walk to the field where they first tried contacting Morgan.
Arriving at the clearing, Winona sits down next to Rick, to watch the sunrise. He proceeds to speak into the walkie-talkie, "We're moving out, leaving the quarry. If you heard me yesterday, you may be coming here. If you are, we'll be gone by the time to you arrive. Winona and I are leaving a note and map behind for you taped to a red car so you can follow our trail. We're heading to the C.D.C. If there's anything left, it's got to be there, don't you think? Morgan... I hope you were right about that place. I need you to be." Rick turns the radio off and looks at Winona, "Hey, Graves, do you think we have a chance there?"
She twists her head to look at him, "Like I said, I trust this more than Shane's. I'll be right behind ya the whole way, no matter what."
"Alright," Rick says standing up, holding out his hand to help up Winona, "Let's go get the others."
Shane briefs everyone on what's going to happen, "Everybody listen up. Those of you with C.B.s, we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down, okay? Now you got a problem, don't have a C.B., can't get a signal or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan. Any questions?"
"We're, uh... we're not going," Morales declares, everyone looks at him and his family.
"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people," his wife explains.
Shane looks at them, "You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back."
"We'll take the chance. I got to do what's best for my family."
"You sure?" Rick asks.
"We talked about it. We're sure."
"All right," Rick says. He crouches down, going through the bag, "Shane. .357?"
"Yeah." They pull out a gun and ammo to give to Morales and his family, "The box is half full."
Daryl scoffs, Winona looks around to see Carl crying. Morales's wife begins to thank everyone and they all start to give goodbyes. The daughter giving Sophia her doll as a memory. Rick speaks to Morales, "Channel 40 if you change your minds." He nods, understanding, and they head to their car.
Shane leans to Rick, "What makes you think our odds are any better?" He turns to the rest of the group, "Come on. Let's go. Let's move out." Everyone begins to load into their cars, "Win, you're with me. Let's go."
Winona halts. "Like hell I am," she states turning back around.
He forcefully grabs her arm, "You're riding with me," pausing after each word, "Do I make myself clear?"
Rick steps forward pulling them apart and putting Winona behind him, "Shane, she said no, let her go."
"Man, screw you, Rick, she's my fiancée."
"Last I've heard, no she isn't. Leave her be," Rick commands. Shane scoffs and walks to his car. Rick turns back to Winona, "Are you okay? He grabbed you pretty rough."
"I'll be fine, just frustrated he won't back off."
"Understandable, but who are you gonna ride with? I'd offer you to ride with me, but Carol and Sophia took the last two seats."
"It's all good, Grimes. I'm gonna see if Daryl will let me, and if not I'm sure there's room in the RV, Jacqui said she'd look after Jim."
"Alright, be safe."
"Right back at ya, Cowboy." She salutes and turns to Daryl's truck. Rick returns the gesture getting into his car.
Approaching the archer, he huffs, shutting the tailgate, "So, ya boyfriend is being a douche? Before you ask, yes, you can ride with me."
"How'd you know it was me? And I assume you overheard the small argument?"
"You walk so loud, even a deaf man could hear ya," he smirks, "Yeah, I did. It was a bitch move grabbing you like that."
Winona sighs, "It's fine—"
"No, it ain't. He's just a dick who thinks he owns everybody."
"Yeah... I guess you're right. It's just— he wasn't like this before, ya know?" she mumbles, tossing her bags into the bed of the truck.
"Well, we got a ways to go, tell me on the way," Daryl says, hopping into the driver side. She nods getting in the passenger side.
As the two were driving towards the city, Winona speaks up, "Shane— he— he was the love of my life. I met him when I just got out of nursing school, he was in the police academy and I— I just fell head over heels. He was charming, suave, funny, he was everything I could've dreamed of... and for awhile I was the same for him, or at least I hope I was. He put me on a pedestal, he treated me like I was a queen. When he proposed to me two years ago, I didn't even hesitate to say yes. We had been saving for our wedding when Rick was shot, and that's when our relationship went downhill. I had met Rick and his family shortly after Shane and I began dating, due to Rick being his closest friend, Lori and I became best friends, and Carl loved seeing us, so we would always hangout out on the weekends at either of our houses. Hence, when Rick was shot, we were all devasted. I was Rick's assigned nurse for a majority of the days I worked, it was business as usual at first, until Lori and Shane started visiting basically everyday. Don't get me wrong... that— that was completely fine, he was Lori's husband and Shane's best friend. It wasn't fine when they started acting weird around me, Shane became distant at home and Lori would become tense when I'd walk in to check on Rick. I brushed it off for a month, but when the end of the world happened, I offered to stay back and take care of Rick and Shane didn't even try to argue to get Rick or me out of the hospital. He completely switched when he heard Lori's name and he was out the door just as fast as he arrived. So when Rick and I finally found our families, I was less than excited to see him. It wasn't like I could accuse him of cheating with no evidence... or so I thought. We were getting ready for bed, and he had his shirt off when I noticed a suspicious bruise on his collarbone, I realized it was a hickey and knew that my assumptions were correct. I tried acting normal but he was hypocritical, trying to act like he cared now, or getting upset because I was wearing Rick's jacket. I broke the relationship off the day we went to Atlanta for Merle. He wasn't happy."
Daryl nods, "So that's why you were actin' different. I knew something was up but didn't know what."
"Yeah. The thing is, Rick doesn't know the truth. Lori told me she only returned the feelings when she genuinely thought we were dead. I don't want to ruin their relationship, and now Shane seems to be going off the deep end— today wasn't the first time he grabbed me like that."
He huffs, "He must think we're stupid. Everyone notices how snappy he's been."
She nods and looks out the window, "Hey Daryl,"
"You're a good listener. Thank you."
"Yeah yeah... you're welcome," he grumbles.
Shortly after Winona told Daryl her backstory, the RV ended up breaking down, causing the caravan to come to a stop. Daryl gets out of his truck and she follows going over to Rick and Dale. Dale begins to speak, "I told you we'd never get far on that hose," Rick puts his hat back on and continues listening, "I said I needed the one from the cube van."
"Can you jury-rig it?" he asks.
"That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose. And I'm out of duct tape."
"I see something up ahead," Shane cuts in, "A gas station if we're lucky."
All of a sudden, Jacqui comes running out of the RV, "Y'all, Jim— it's bad. I don't think he can take anymore."
"Let me see him," Winona offers. Jacqui nods leading the nurse back in the RV.
"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead, see what I can bring back," Shane says.
"Yeah, I'll come along too and I'll back you up," T-Dog tells Shane.
"Y'all keep your eyes open now. We'll be right back."
Shane and T-Dog begin to leave and Rick enters the RV. Winona hears him walk in, she goes up to him and whispers, "Rick, I'm worried. I can't do anything and Jim— Jim's in really bad shape. I— I don't think he'll make it to the C.D.C.. I feel like I failed him, like I failed you."
Rick pulls her into a hug, "Hey... look there was nothing you could've done to prevent this. You know as much as I do about walkers and the disease. So stop beating yourself up about it, okay? You helped him as much as you could."
She looks at him, "Thanks, Grimes."
Rick nods, pulling apart from the embrace, and walks towards the back of the RV, Winona leaving to find Glenn. He approaches the sickly man, "We'll be back on the road soon."
"Oh no. Christ," Jim says, "My bones— my bones are like glass. Every little bump— God, this ride is killing me. Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. I want to be with my family."
Rick sits down, "They're all dead. I don't think you know what you're asking. The fever— you've been delirious more often than not."
Jim faces Rick, "I know. Don't you think I know?" groaning, he sits up further, "I'm clear now. In five minutes I may not be. Rick, I know what I'm asking. I want this. Leave me here. Now that's on me. Okay? My decision. Not your failure. And not Winona's either. I know she's been tearing herself up about it. "
After Shane and T-Dog return, Rick gathers everyone outside the RV, "It's what he says he wants."
"And he's lucid?" Carol asks.
"He seems to be," Rick responds, "I would say yes."
Dale steps forward, "Back in the camp when Winona and I said Daryl might be right and you shut us down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man, and I know Winona wouldn't either. We were just gonna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants. And I think we have an answer." Winona agrees quietly.
Shane turns to Rick, "We just leave him here? We take off? Man, I'm not sure I could live with that."
"It's not your call," Lori says, "either one of you."
Rick and Shane lean Jim against a tree, Jim looks up and chuckles, "Hey, another damn tree."
"Hey, Jim— I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this," Shane states.
"No," Jim reaffirms, "It's good. The breeze feels nice."
Shane pats Jim's leg, "All right."
Jacqui steps forward and squats down in front of him, "Just close your eyes, Sweetie. Don't fight." Kissing him on the cheek, she turns to leave.
Winona approaches him next, beginning to sob, "Oh... Jimmy. I'm so sorry. I—" her voice cracking with her cries, "I wish I could've done more." She hugs him.
"Winona... you helped me a lot. Thank— thank you," Jim strains out. She nods, wiping her tears and walks over to Glenn, he pulls her in for a hug.
Rick goes up to the dying man, "Jim, do you want this?" he asks holding out a gun.
"No," he declines, "You'll need it. I'm okay... I'm okay." Rick pats him on the shoulder and walks away.
Dale crouches down, "Thanks for, uh, for fighting for us." Jim nods. The rest of the group leaves Jim with a nod of respect.
Jim looks to the sky, hearing the sounds of car engines slowly fading away.
Finally approaching the C.D.C. Winona looks to Daryl, "Oh shit. Daryl, this doesn't look good. Not to mention it's almost dark out."
He huffs, "Ain't nothin' we can do about it now."
The group get out of their cars, weapons drawn. Bodies surround the building, all of the barricades are covered in blood and mutilated corpses. The sound of flies buzzing around the decaying flesh, envelopes them. Trying to block the putrid smell filling their nostrils, they cover their faces. Shane whispers to the group, cautious, not to draw walkers, "All right, everybody. Keep moving. Go on. Stay quiet. Let's go."
The closer the group got, the more bodies litter the ground. "Okay, keep moving," Rick commands, "Stay together." The group give words of encouragement to each other as they weave through the corpses, reaching the doors. Rick rattles the door, it doesn't open. Shane tries lifting it open— nothing.
Shane begins to knock on the metal door. Winona tries shushing him, "Shane! What are you doing?! That's gonna bring walkers!!"
He ignores her, continuity bang on the entrance. T-Dog speaks up, "There's nobody here."
Rick turns around, "Then why are these shutters down?" It's getting closer to night, the panic and uncertainty filling the group.
"Walkers!" Daryl announces. Carl whimpers, Lori tries to comfort him. Daryl shoots the walker that was close by, turning back to Rick, "You led us into a graveyard!"
"He made a call," Winona says.
"It was the wrong damn call!"
Shane goes up to Daryl, pushing him back, "Just shut up. You hear me? Shut up. Shut up!" He whirls around to face Rick, "Rick, this is a dead end."
"Where are we gonna go?" Carol hopelessly asks.
Shane continues, "Do you hear me? No blame."
Lori looks at Rick, "She's right. We can't be here, this close to the city after dark."
Rick turns back to the doors, Winona stands near him. "Fort Benning, Rick— still an option," Shane offers.
"On what? No food, no fuel," Andrea speaks up, "That's 100 miles."
"125. I checked the map," Glenn corrects.
"Not helping, Glenny," Winona says.
"Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight, now," Lori says exasperated.
Rick begins panicking, "We'll think of something." Everyone begins trying to rush back to the cars. Winona and Rick look at the doors, eyes widening, "The camera— it moved."
The group stops. "You imagined it," Shane says.
"It moved. I saw it, too," Winona says.
Shane scoffs at her, "Yeah, okay," he turns his attention at Rick, "Rick, it is dead, man. It's and automated device. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on," Shane says, grabbing Winona's arm.
She struggles against his grasp, "Let go! I saw it move! It moved, okay?"
Shane pinches the bridge of his nose, turning back to Rick, "Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick." Winona starts hitting the doors, Rick joining her, "Rick, Winona, there's nobody here!"
Rick looks at the camera, "I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left."
Lori runs in front of him, Carl running to Winona, "There's nobody here."
"Nona, please. I know you told me to trust my dad, but I'm scared."
Rick ignores Lori and continues pleading, "If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please!" Shane pulls them away, Rick still begging. And then finally, the shutter begins to lift, revealing the entrance— their sanctuary.
2770 words

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