TS-19 Part 2

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   Winona makes it to the rec room, Carol is already in there watching the kids, "Oh wow. This... this I could get used to."
   Carol softly laughs, "Same here."
   Winona sees Carl and Sophia playing checkers and sits down next to them, "Hell yeah— wait sorry— heck yeah checkers!!" They laugh and hear Lori walk in, "Hey Lor!"
   She smiles, "Any good books?"
   "Uh-huh," Carol hums and closes her book she was reading, "Enough to keep us busy for years."  She starts to get up off the couch, "All right. Come on, kids, it's bedtime."
   Lori looks towards Winona who was browsing through the books, she turns to her son, "Baby, go say your prayers. I'm gonna chat with Nona for a bit."
   Carl gets up with Sophia, and Carol faces the women one last time, "This is the first night we might actually get some real sleep. It's a miracle, isn't it?"
   "Amen to that," Winona slurs, she had to admit she was way past tipsy at this point.
   Carol and the kids leave the room, allowing Lori to look through the collection of book and speak to Winona, "So... do you think this is a good place? I hope Carl likes it." When she doesn't get an answer she turns to see a teary-eyed Winona, "Nona? What's wrong?"
   "Oh Lor, I've missed you," she says pulling her once best friend into a hug, "I feel so bad, I never was able to hang out with Carl on that Saturday. I bet he hates me," she starts to cry harder.
   "Nona... that boy does not hate you. He talks about you all the time, 'Nona did this today... Winona told me this...' He looks up to you."
   She wipes her tears, "You think so?"
   "I know so. Both of my boys look up to you, and yes that means Rick," they both chuckle, "I never thanked you for staying back and looking after him, I am so grateful for the sacrifice you did for me and my family. I know we're not as close as we used to be, but just know I still see you as my closest friend." Lori pulls her in for another hug, "I'm gonna take this book and go see my boys. Goodnight Nona. And no more booze," she jokingly adds.
    Winona chuckles, "Yes, Ma'am. Goodnight. Tell Rick and Carl goodnight for me?" Lori nods and she leaves the rec room.
    Winona continues to check out her surroundings, she figures this would be the best place to crash for the night. She's picking out a book to read, when she hears the door slam suddenly. She flinches, quickly looking for the threat and when she finds it she groans, "God, Shane. You scared me. What do you want?"
    "I'm gonna tell you a few things and you're gonna listen to me."
    "This isn't the time, Shane," she stumbles to the couch, "We're both drunk, it's not gonna end well."
   "Come on. When is it ever the time?" Winona starts to walk towards him, he turns to her, "How can you treat me like this? I'm your fiancé for God's sakes."
   "You're joking, right? When will you get it through that thick skull of yours that we are done?"
   "No," he shakes his head, "Uh-uh."
   "You slept with my best friend, lied to me, left me for dead at the hospital. Shall I go on?" Winona says frustrated, she starts to head towards the door, not wanting to be in the room anymore.
   "Jesus, Win," Shane chases after, grabbing her arm, "I didn't lie to you, all right? I didn't. And you were the one who offered to stay back at the hospital, okay? Do you know what it was like there, outside the hospital?" He shuts the door, standing in front of it, she had no where to go, "Stop. Things were falling apart. You know what I saw in the hallways? People being slaughtered left and right. It was a massacre. There were walkers everywhere."
   "So you left me? In a walker infested hospital, with me having no clue on what was even happening? You deserve the 'Fiancé of the Year' award," Winona says sarcastically.
   "Everybody else ran," his voice rose in anger, "You told me to go. To take Lori and Carl and get the hell out. I tried to take Rick with us, I couldn't lift him, you saw that."
   "You barely tried."
   He starts to push her against the table, "Yeah, but then I had Lori and Carl to think about, didn't I? I had Lori and Carl, and I needed to think about—"
   "Okay. No no—"
   "I had to get them safe to Atlanta. That's what I had to do," Winona tries to stand up, but he shoves her back on the table, "Just stop. If you would've came with us, how would Rick be here, okay? So I didn't just save Lori and Carl's lives, but I saved Rick's, too. That's what I did. Right?" Winona sat there speechless, shaking her head in fear and disbelief. He held her down, "Okay. And if I could've traded places with him, I would have. I would've traded places in a heartbeat so we could still be together—" Winona tries to speak but he cuts her off, "No no no, you're mine, I won you, Win—" he grabs her neck roughly and starts to lean in, "I love you."
    "No," she tries backing away, but his grip was too strong, "No, you're drunk, Shane, I'm not yours. If you loved me you wouldn't have—"
   He shushes her, "I love you," he keeps trying to lean in against Winona's protests.
   "No, you're drunk," she pushes him but he barely budged.
   "And I know there were some things that say you love me too, because there's no way that you could've been with me the way that you were."
   "Before the end of the world maybe," she desperately tried pushing his face away from hers as he got closer and closer, "Shane. Shane. Shane!"
   "Just— Listen. You love me."
   He kissed her, she broke away, "Get away from me," he tried to grope her, "Get your hands off me!" She struggles against him, her voice cracking as she started to cry.
   "I love you."
   "Please! No!"
   "There's nobody here."
   She starts to cry out for help, "Rick! Anyone!Please!" Her tears spilling over her cheeks.
   "Stop, Win. It's alright. Just—" She grabbed his neck and scratched it, he yells in pain, he turns towards her and slaps her. She sobs, Shane faces the door, hitting the wall as he leaves, Winona flinches. She felt this encounter had sobered her up.
   Winona grabs her stuff and decides she's going to Glenn's makeshift room, she can't be by herself. Too terrified to be alone.
   She practically runs down the hall still sobbing, she swings the door open, not even bothering to knock. Glenn's laying on the cot, back facing the door, "Go ahead come on in," he groans, slurring through the words. He rolls over, but when he sees Winona's tear stained face and her shaking at his door way, he immediately jumps out of bed and sobers up, "Oh my god! Are you okay?! What happened?!"
   "I— Shane— He—" she can't form sentences as she starts hyperventilating.
   Glenn walks over to her, and she jumps, "Hey, you're safe, okay? Come in," he grabs a blanket and wraps it around her, "Do you want me to get Rick, it might calm you down?"
   "No— No. I don't want him to know," she was starting to cool down.
   "Did Shane... did he—"
   "No. God no."
   "Do you want to talk about it?"
   "It would help, but maybe in the morning."
   "Then I'm here when you're ready."
  Glenn decided she should sleep on the cot, and he can take the couch, even after her protests. Finishing the bottle of alcohol Glenn still had, she soon falls into a fitful sleep.
   "No... get away... help... Rick... help..." Glenn awakes to Winona tossing and turning, pleading for help. She began to cry in her sleep.
   "Wi," Glenn shakes the crying woman, "Winona, wake up." Gasping, she looks around the room, eyes landing on Glenn, "Hey, it was just a bad dream, you're okay. You're safe." He holds her until she begins to stop shaking, "Not to pry, but maybe you should talk about it sooner rather than later."
   She looks at him with wide eyes, "How- how did you know it was about tonight?"
   "You kept saying no, and you were calling out for Rick to help you."
   She sighs, "Maybe you're right, I don't think I can sleep without getting it off my chest." Glenn nods, and she drew in a breath, "I was in the rec room, Lori and Carol had just left for bed... I was getting ready to read and go to sleep in there," her voice cracks from her sobs, "And then I heard the door slam, Shane was standing there, obviously drunk. He demanded we talked and tried saying that he still loved me and that I was still in love with him. I was getting scared because he grabbed my arm when I tried to leave. He then blocked me and started to push me against the table, saying how he didn't just save Lori and Carl but Rick too. I was speechless, he kept trying to kiss me and then he tried to grope me, but I ended up scratching him, which made him slap me. I didn't want to be alone so I came to you."
    Glenn sat on the end of the cot in silence not knowing what to say, "... You— you need to tell Rick. Shane's out of control, we don't know what he could do next."
    "No!" He looked at her shocked, "No, that's still his best friend. I'm just his best friend's ex who took care of him while he was in a coma, okay?"
    "Best friend or not, Rick needs to know. And you're more than that, Rick knows that and he cares for you, too."
    "I don't want him to know."
    "Glenn, I'm fine. Shane didn't do anything extreme, okay?"
    "Yet..." He sighs, "Shane's escalating, Wi, we don't know how long until it is extreme."
    "I know... I know. I just can't tell Rick right now."
    "So when? If you keep pushing it off Shane is just gonna get worse."
    "I don't know, Glenn! I'm tired, okay?! We can figure it out later."
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out like that."
    "No it's my fault, I didn't mean to push you. You know it's because I care about you, right?"
    "Of course. Thank you, I really appreciate you." She hugs him and he gets up to go over to the couch, "Goodnight, Glenny."
    He chuckles, "Goodnight, Wi."
1820 words

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