Chapter 1

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"Wake up you pathetic mutt"

Cold water was splashed onto me and I immediately jumped awake. A whoosh sound and a soft thud drew my attention and when I looked to my right there were people standing outside of what appeared to be a cell.

"Finally, I would've thought you would wake up on the way here"

The center man smirked and rolled a coin between his fingers. I must've tested his patience because the next thing he rolled his eyes and pressed a button. Electricity flowed through me and my muscles tensed up involuntarily. God damn. I now noticed the collar around my neck when the electricity stopped. Damn that hurt like a bitch.

"It's not polite to not respond to your host, you are after all in my house"

"What did you do to me?"

He smirked and ushered his men to leave us be. They followed his instructions without a second thought and he then turned his attention back to me.

"You are here for one purpose actually, and depending on you we can do it the easy way or the hard way. In the end you will end up dead, one less abomination in the world"

I narrowed my eyes and bared my canines "Hunter"

He grinned and left without another word. That's when I noticed the others. Vampire, siren, witch, demon, and many others. They were all in individual cells that formed a circle with a smaller cell in the very middle of the room that obscure some of the people. Each cell had transparent walls but had a open space on each ends for doors. How long have they been here? People have been reporting missing then ended up dead, but we thought that another empire was doing it. We had a temporary peace treaty with the humans so we didn't think they would do this.

"Nice to meet you Prince Liam"

The vampire, in a cell slightly to my right, nodded his head towards me and I realized I recognized him. Ashton. The heir to the vampire empire. How did they get him?

"Ashton? Wh-what?"

"Yea couldn't believe it myself, but it was an ambush. They injected me with vervain and from that I woke up here and got the same intro you got"

"Oh my gosh is that really Liam Liam? As in the real Prince Liam?"

An excited voice spoke from my left and I saw the young siren. The clan is so messed up they stole children? It made my blood boil.

"Hi I'm a huge fan, my name is Peter and honestly it is an honor to meet you and I wished it was under a different situation and wow this sucks you know I haven't been to the sea in a long time and I think I am actually starting to peel and-"

"Nice to meet you to kid"

Peter blushed and did a small wave hello. As if embarrassed of his babbling .

"If I'm not mistaken you must be Peter heir to the ocean empire?"

Peter nod his head yes and brushed his fingers through his tangled hair.

"How did you end up here kid?"

My skin vibrated for some unknown reason, my wolf was struggling to come through but this damn collar held him at bay only to be muttering a phrase he keeps on repeating.

"Well it wasn't my fault this time-"

This time?

"I was just swimming you know doing the usual making sure everyone was alright and dandy, you know sometimes the sharks would cause some ruckus and the dolphins would sometimes encourage it, anyways when I was-"

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