Chapter 4

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Before we start I just wanted to let you guys know that words in Italics are flash backs. If it gets too confusing just let me know and I'll try to make it more easer.

Happy reading!




When I woke up I couldn't help but feel how tense my body seems to be. I remember fighting that siren kid, then when I was done they took him and I into two different directions. 

"Sir their fight shows that the siren boy can control water to his will"

He hummed and looked at the file, my file. He contemplated in his head on what to do next before walking over to me. I saw it happen before he raised his hand to slap me, my head turned to the force of his slap and I felt the beginning of the sting and the dissipation of it when it healed.

"How the hell can this kid control water but your pathetic self can't?"

I knew better than to answer so I kept my face down and I kept my mouth shut. Nothing I seemed to do seems to satisfy him, this means more experimenting and pain. He grabbed my hair and pulled my face up to his eye level, but I still kept my eyes down for my superior. 

"I want her to be taken to Dr. Lezaro and I want this issue fixed now!"

He let go of my hair and I was dragged along to the doctor. Once arriving I was quickly held down with silver chains that burned into my skin and a muzzle that was infused with wolfsbane and vervain that was doing its job of subduing me.

"Ah Subject Zero, what does Jackson want done now?"

The doctor was only there for the money that the clan paid him, I overheard from my superiors the once I am complete then his services will no longer be needed. In truth he was much kinder than the others and tries to lessen the pain. If we had met in a different life than I doubt I would kill him at the completion of my training.

"It is all in the notes doctor"

"Yes but I like to hear it from my patient as well guard, your services will no longer be needed you can stay outside."

The guard huffed but obey nonetheless, the doctor was of a higher level than him which means that his word is to be obeyed and is more important than a simple guard but less than my superior himself. He looked over the file before going over to a type of refrigerator and pulled out a syringe.

"Now that I know what the problem is hopefully I can fix it before his superior majesty start complaining"

The doctor then gently insert the needle before putting pressure on the plunger. I felt the liquid burn through my veins before settling in my fingertips and slowly spread to elsewhere. It burns. I then felt rough hands on face keeping it as still as possible before feeling the straps tightening around my head.

"Now Subject Zero this next procedure is going to be very crucial for you to not move."

He held a very big needle and before I know it it was injected in both of my eyes.

Blinking my eyes, I adjusted to the bright lights above before cautiously moving. This room is not familiar at all from the bright white walls to the soft bed that is under me, to the medical machines that seems to be inserted in my arms. I am not worth of medical use.

"You pathetic bitch, you are not worth all of these medical shits to help you. If I have to use more on you then you will really regret it"

I laid on my cell's floor with a bag of fluids that was trying to calm my to high fever after an injection. My superior huffed in annoyance and left my cell after turning on the too cold a/c.

Subject ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now