Chapter 2

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Curious, Liam was expelling an insane amount of rage and worry. And for what? A person he's never met before...unless? Maybe the girl is his fated, but if she is why does a place inside of me turn over at  the thought. My vampire side, that is dormant thanks to this damn collar, angers at the thought of her being with someone else. And my heart shatters for the state of her, unconscious and finally done screaming.

Prince wolfie is just sitting there staring at her as if he couldn't help himself. Everyone else are just silent.

"Any ideas on how to get out of here?"

Faces turned to look at me even wolfie who sighed and sat back.

"If my people are correct...and they are"

He turned to glare at me before I was able to utter anything.

"They are on their way, in order to find the missing creatures, we had to use some bait- and no not bacon"

Damn again?

"I volunteered to be bait and I have been tracked since the moment I was abducted. We just have to be patient"

"For what? For them to kill us like those before?"

A young witch, Blair if I was correct, scoffed at wolfie and turned her attention towards him. She was the most quietest one ever since I have been put in here not uttering a single word.

"I have been here the longest and seen men and women come, get killed, then replaced. What makes your word any different from theirs?"

He looked at her with stony eyes and looked at everyone else.

"I will get you all out of here, you have my word"

His attention then went to stare at the mystery woman and I couldn't help but to bang my hand against the glass. What is happening?

"I expect you to hold it then your highness"

"Is anybody else going to comment on the first part? The killing part? I mean I don't know if it is just me but I don't want to get killed"

"No one is going to get killed kid"

I smirked and watched as Peter babbled away. If wolfie is correct and we get out of here, I think I would miss Peter's babble the most.

The doors open and in walked a small army with a different guy in a lab coat. Blair scooted away from the glass, wolfie stood up as if ready for a fight, and the coat guy stopped in front of Peter's cell.

"Open it"

I stood and banged on the door, what were they going to do? Judging by Blair's reaction to coat guy nothing good.

"Leave him alone!"

I saw wolfie stare from the corner of my eye but my sight was on Peter, poor kid was terrified but he held it away from his face. He allowed them to take him away and didn't even put on a fight when they escorted him out. Blair was at ease when they left and scooted forward.

"It's useless to protect others, when he came here I told him the same thing and what they would do so he can be prepared for the worst"

"What do they do?"

Liam leaned against the glass while Blair glared at his figure, she doesn't seem to keen on him but for what reason?

"You'll find out when they take you"

She was then silent unbothered by his many questions. Eventually he then gave up and continued to stare at the woman in the center. Why am I so bothered by it?




Why should I trust his word? Countless people have came and went and they all said the same thing. I'll get you out of here.

He is mostly saying that because of the woman in the center. My view is slim but I see how he looks at her. How they both look at her. They would do anything for her and they don't even know if she is there fated.

My heart tug at that thought, fated. My Hazel. I miss her more than anything. And I couldn't help but let a few tears fall at the thought of Hazel. I wonder if she is thinking about me. Closing my eyes I enter meditation and pictured a happy memory with Hazel.  The night of the winter solstice, under the cold moon and shining stars. She gave me a single flower and spelled it to never wither. Placing it in my hair and swayed me to the rhythm of the music. If I get out of here I think I would spend the rest of my days in her arms, never leaving. The memory fazed out when I heard yelling and banging.

When I opened my eyes the woman was missing and the vampire and wolf were fuming, pacing in their cells.

"They dragged her out as if she was an animal"

Liam seethed and tugged on the collar trying to get it off. Ashton banged on the glass again and paced around.

"Stop acting like that"

They both snapped their eyes towards me and looked as if they were going to tear me a new one.

"They are torturing innocents and for what? For us to just sit here and do nothing while women and children are hurting"

"Listen pup, I'm trying to help you. If you don't quiet down they will do it for you"

"We are trying to do something unlike you"

Why did that sting a little? It's not like I can do anything with this damn collar around my neck like what he has.

"Ok batty boy, listen I have been here longer than you. I am trying to survive and help you but if you don't want it fine, I'll help myself"

I turned my back and try to focus on bringing that memory back. Under the moonlight with the cold nipping at my nose. With my Hazel.


I know that this chapter is late but something is better than nothing! Hope you enjoyed it getting more into different characters. In the next we'll get into more of what happened with Peter and the mystery woman.

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