Chapter 7

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Subject Zero

When I told them that I'll tell them about my life, I didn't expect it to be so soon. The sun had already set when they brought me to the same meeting room, with an exception to the council, and in the room were a few people that I have and haven't met. Devon sat in Liam's chair with his feet on the table with his eyes on the doctor, the doctor sat in a seat next to him working away on her tablet, someone similar looking to the doctor was swinging in a chair across from her with his eyes closed, and another male was leaning against the wall staring at me in caution. I did the same thing, sizing him up to see if he was an enemy. He oozed loyalty and protectiveness, perhaps to his friend and family. A headache started behind my eyes as I continued to stare at the people, visions danced behind my eyelids so quick that it almost made me dizzy. What is happening?

Whatever the doctor gave you must've taken affect now. Be cautious about this.

Whenever they give us something new it is never a good sign.

"Okay introductions"

Liam must've noticed the way the guy and I seem to observe each other. He guided me to a chair and sat next to me as well as Ashton who immediately grabbed my hand. They stopped the visions without even realizing and I felt myself relaxing under their constant touch.

"Guys this is Z, Z you already know Devon, which by the way we will talk later Devon-"

Devon only smirked and nodded his head.

"-The doctor is Alexandra, which is Devon's mate and across from her is her twin brother Alexander. They are my siblings as well so unfortunately you will be seeing a lot of them"

"You treat us so well big bro"

"And the broody guy in the back is Zack, don't pay any mind to the bad body exterior inside he is a big softie-"

"-You asshole-"

"-He is my third in command"

Ashton's chest vibrated in laughter, perhaps he found that Zack's out burst was funny. My headache couldn't find anything funny about it.

"How about we get this show on the road? Darling whenever you're ready"

Ashton traced circles on my hand and as long as I focussed on it then I didn't focus on my headache. But this wasn't what I was suppose to do.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Melody's voice echoed in my head so I followed her instructions. She never failed me before and before I know it my headache has subsided, I opened my eyes and began.

"I am pretty sure I was their my entire life, in the clan. I don't remember anything good in my childhood, all I remember are training and pain"

"What about parents? Do you remember anything about parents?"

"No, I was told that I was so worthless that my parents begged them to take me away."

Everyone's seem to tense up in anger, even Devon's carefree nature. Alexandra was the only one composed enough to ask me to continue, so I did.

"Throughout my childhood it was a given that I would be focussing on training and upgrading"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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