Chapter 3

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"So uhhh...Hunters am I right?"

The mystery woman slowly blinked her eyes and took a deep breath. When they took me they shoved me into an empty room only to be followed by the woman being chained to the opposite wall away from me. Then they just left with no other instructions, other than a snicker. The woman was chained by her neck with her hands free and muzzle on. How long has she been here?

"So I'm Peter! Of course you already know that seeing as we were in the same room before and-"


A voice echoed through the room and the chain released the woman who didn't waste the moment before advancing on me. It was then I knew what was happening when I felt the sharp pain in my right eyes, we were fighting.


I staggered and quickly upright myself only to be brought down with a kick to my chest that knocked the breath out of me. I groaned and felt the woman straddle me watching me with a hidden expression. She raised her fist and I quickly slipped my head left to avoid the punch.

"Fight back or they'll kill you"

She whispered so lowly that I almost missed it, her eyes finally let out a bit of emotion in it. She is trying to warn me. I unfortunately didn't miss the punch that was delivered to the same eye as before. Ouch. She tilted her head slightly to her left and above her shoulder I saw the red blinking light. I used the moment she was slightly occupied to kick her off of me and quickly stood up. She elegantly stood up and gone was the helpful person that was looking out for me, in her place was an emotionless person. This will most definitely hurt.

There was a hissing sound and I felt little drops of water, thank Poseidon! It was barely enough for my skin to absorb but it was decent enough for me to bend. I didn't want to hurt her but she warned me and I didn't want to die here. So I made a rope from the water and tried to keep her at bay through her attacks. Dealing with the sharks and dolphins don't seem too bad right now.



I paced back and forth unable to control my worry for the kid and the mystery woman. Ashton was doing the same while muttering to himself. About what? I couldn't tell not with this damn collar around my neck. How the clan was able to pull this trick off was beyond me. It wasn't until an hour later where the kid was being dragged in unconscious and beat up. What the Hell happen? 


The guards ungraciously set him on the floor and left. Poor kid seemed to have a black eye but who can tell what else happened until he woke up.

"Wait where is she?"

Ashton banged his fist on the glass door and watched the two guards ignore him and leave. Why is he so worried about her like that? Unless she is his fated, but why does my suppressed inner wolf surge with hatred at that idea.

"Feelings for the girl batty boy?"

I raised my eyebrow towards the prince and was returned with one as well. Almost as if he is asking the same question back. Jealousy surged through me at the thought of the vampire keeping her for himself. She's mine!

"You both are pathetic"

A demon, who I hadn't bother to learn the name of, scoffed and began to chuckle at the both of us. It annoyed me and judging by the look Ashton had on his face, him too.

"What do you mean Mathius?"

"You both are in love with her and you barely know her, who knows maybe she is mine to have"

Both Ashton and I growled at the thought of the demon, Mathius, being with our girl.... Our girl?Where did that come from? The rest seemed to enjoy our spur of jealousy and laughed along with the demon. We were all interrupted by doors opening and two sets of guards dragged in an unsteady woman. My woman. I was positive that she was my mate, and she was down here the entire time. This time they didn't bother to chain her up, even though they still kept the muzzle on, they just let go of her and she dropped down to the ground. A growl involuntarily left both Ashton and I's mouth and we both ended up glaring from the guards that left to each other.  It was hard to see her in such a state, she was not moving and you can only see her take a breath every two minutes. It seemed as if she is dead by the slow amount of breaths she is taking, her head flopped to the side probably from exhaustion. Her pupils blown so wide that there was none of the mesmerizing blue. I frowned, who knows what the clan did to her. Ashton noticed and I saw him clench his hand in anger.

The lights flickered off and on and the doors locked themselves down. Something was going on and soon we all heard a hiss. People stood up and our collars, one by one, beeped down, unlatched, and fell off. I wasted no time to banged against the glass door quickly cracking it. It didn't matter because soon the doors open and everybody cautiously walked out. Even the mystery woman's door opened but she didn't even bother to get up, she probably wasn't even able to get up. The double doors to my left opened up and in storm soldiers, and not just any soldiers, the kingdom's soldiers. Sobs rang throughout the room and some quickly left with the soldiers, one even went to Peter and lifted him up taking him away.

"You're safe now, you can come with us"

I didn't realize Ashton was next to me offering his hand to the woman and I immediately growled, my wolf was still dormant but was slowly gaining strength. It didn't matter, she didn't even move her attention she just kept her blown out eyes on nothing.

"Prince Liam, we have to get out of her now"

A soldier came up behind me and soon the double doors to the right was banging. The Hunters were trying to get in and everyone was out besides us four.

"What's wrong with her?"

"We don't know what they gave her but it seems like she can't do anything for right now"

The woman took a deep slow breath in and exhaled just as slow, whatever they gave her was really messing with her. I didn't waste anymore time to pick her up and run out with the soldier and a growing Ashton at my side. We arrived at a black van and once we all got in and driving, I reluctantly gave her to another person who started up hooking up wires and oxygen for her. My heart broke at the sight of her, I was then brought back to reality with a punch to my arm.

"You asshole! What were you thinking about getting yourself kidnapped?!"

As annoying as he can be I miss the sound of my little brother Alexander. God that was absolutely hell I think for now, I am not going to do bait work.

"Thank you Prince Liam"

Blair said with tears in her eyes, my heart swells as I smile and nod my head. My wolf started chanting unrecognized words and as I look around he got louder. when I look at the mystery woman that's when I heard what he said. I just so happened to speak with Ashton


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