Chapter 5

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Subject Zero 

It was weird having their hands in mine. A warm tingling sensation erupted from their touch and a little voice on my head wanted them to touch me everywhere.

They are our mates.

They would never hurt us.

Two voices spoke in my head and I immediately knew that whatever the doctor had gave me to suppress them has worn off. Melody my vampire, and Mina my wolf. They chanted in my head growing louder and louder. The warm tingling in my hands disappeared and I opened my eyes that I didn't know that I closed.


My voice was so tiny and raspy from the little amount of time I used it but my instincts took over and I didn't think before I spoke out. The blonde haired man snapped his eyes to me before grinning widely. My wolf was howling in happiness at the sight of him. Blonde curly hair that was long on top and fadedly shaved at the sides, green bright eyes with a scar running from the middle of his forehead to the middle of his left cheek crossing over his left eye, and a stubble of a growing beard. A sharp jaw line and a breath taking smile. I couldn't help but to assess him: approximately 6'4, athletic build, mid to late 20's, and a dominating aura most likely alpha.

"You recognize us?"

I glanced at the other male with black hair that almost seem blue. Unlike the blonde this man was sitting next to me while the other was standing. His eyes were a steel grey and his hair was neatly gelled back. Another strong and sharp jawline with a breath taking smile accompanying a pair of fangs. His physique was lean but still held power to it. Obviously a vampire I couldn't tell the age but he still had a dominating aura around him. 

I nodded my head for their answer which made them smile more if possible. Mina and Melody seemed to purr in content, whether it is reuniting again or finding our mates I couldn't really tell. 

"Can you tell us your name?"

You can trust them.

Talk to them.

Melody, being the first one I transitioned into, knew who to and who to not trust. Before they subdued her she looked out for me by taking over the situation. And when Mina came along they both protected me since childhood. 

"I do not know my name, I was only ever called Subject Zero and an occasional Zero or Z"

They both seemed to growl at that and clenched their fists in anger. Of course dominating men and their anger. 

"How about picking your own name or we can call you Z if you prefer?"

The black hair one rubbed his thumb in circles on my hand in an attempt to calm down. I nodded and glanced between them curiously.

"What are your names?

"I'm sorry darling we were so engrossed with you we didn't properly introduced ourselves, I am Ashton"

"And I am Liam princess"

"Where am I?"

"You are in the medical wing of the Royal castle by yours truly"

Liam did a dramatic bow before his eyes glossed over, someone spoke to him via mind link which caused him to be on edge. He huffed before standing back up again to leave.

"There seems to be a problem that I have to deal with, I should be back shortly princess." 

Liam left without another word leaving me to frown, he didn't want to stay with me?

Subject ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now