Chapter 6

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Hello! I must say a trigger warning before we start. I'm sorry but to make sure these people are like the absolute trash, trashiest of the trashiest I must. 


Now onto the story!


Subject Zero

I have been in many war room meetings, but nothing of this sort. Werewolves, and half breeds, were scattered along a large table. Liam told me that his council were consisting of his most trusted people: elders, warriors, and higher ranking wolves. All gave me curious but welcoming stares. Liam had also let Ashton attend under the impression that he would stay away and quiet. Many gave blank stares to the vampire and seemingly ask silently why he was here. I just kept to myself next to Liam on his right, some people were surprised but stayed silent. Liam's beta, Devon, sat to his left and kept in giving Liam, Ashton and I amused glances. 

"Thank you all for coming"

The chattering stop and all eyes were on Liam who sat at the head of the table. 

"I called you here to talk about the occurrence that happened this morning, three warriors were patrolling their regular route only mind linking at a sound that they were suspicious of. They then responded not worrying about it then become radio silent. They were all discovered dead and decapitated"

Murmurs erupted from the council which shocked me. If that had ever happened back at the clan there would've been severe consequences, even death in some cases, right at that second. They were big on permission to speak and the old fashion men are superior to women who should be hold on a tight leash. 


Voices stopped talking and refocused back onto Liam. An older gentlemen stood from his seat next to me, went to stand next to Liam and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Do you know who would've done such a thing son?"

Liam turned to me before nodding, what does he want me to do? I am most definitely not going to be doing the talking. Besides I don't know these people and even though Liam trusts them, I can't be too sure. 

He chuckled before passing a bunch of pictures to Devon who grabbed one and passed the rest.

"The woman next to me is Z, she is my mate-"

Ashton growled which earned a glare from Liam who then continued to talk.

"When I was confined by the Hunters she was there in captivity as well, she was the one to tell me that the way the warriors were placed were a symbol for the Hunters"

A woman that was two seats away from me did a double take at me which caused me to tense up. What did she have in plan?

"She was insightful about the symbol and what is means, now that we know who did this we can better prepare for it-"

The room seemed to go catastrophic, voices overlapping voices and booming voices caused me to jump. Ashton was immediately at my side, grabbing me out of my seat and holding me to his chest. Either he doesn't trust these people, or he didn't expect that and panicked. 

"This is a statement of war!"

"We have to warn the other empires!"

"A fight with humans? hardly a fight at all"

"We should let Hudson know-"

"The Human chairman? He is probably in on this as well"

Hudson? I turned to search for the voice that said that. There was only ever one Hudson that was in the clan and I had the privilege to meet him.

Subject ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now