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i woke up it was 6.30 in the morning. i must have slept through my alarm but i still have 20 minutes to get ready and 10 to get to work. i work in a small café that my aunt owns.

i get to the café just in time and get my apron on. working in the café isn't bad i actually enjoy it and it helps that my aunt is my boss because she isn't hard on me. the interior of the café is cute and aesthetic, it's only small but that's good because we don't get too many costumers but just enough to keep the business going.

the bell rings meaning someone has walked in. i realise i don't have a notebook in my pocket. i must have run out of pages yesterday. i go to the back and grab another one. when i walk back out i see the person that came in is a 𝓱𝓪𝔀𝓽 boy who looks to be around my age but i've never seen him before.

"hi. what can i get ya?" i say with confidence. i'm not a shy person i'm more of an extrovert (a.n i'm the complete opposite :/ ). "what hot beverages do you have?" there was a menu but he didn't seem bothered to read. "we got coffee, hot chocolate, teas, or me😏" i whisper the last part to myself. "i'll eh take a.. coffee please, i need to wake up" he smiled back at me. i sorta laughed along and went to make his coffee.

i walked over towards his table and handed him his coffee, walked about two steps and went back. "this sounds weird but i've never seen you before, are you new?" "ya actually my mom got a business opportunity so" "oh cool sorry for being nosy" "no your fine" he smiled again. god he is beautiful. "the names vinnie" "well nice to meet you, i'm y/n".

the boy came over to pay. he was taking money out of his wallet but i stopped him "it's on the house" "oh really i- uh thank you" he took the dollar/euro/pound (whatever currency) he had in his wallet and put it in the tip jar. i smiled widely. i don't normally get tips.

when he was walking out i noticed he dropped something. i ran around the counter picked it up "hey you dropped something" my voice lowering as the sentence rolled out of my mouth because he has already left. i looked at what fell from his pocket. it was a napkin with his number. i giggled to myself and put it in my jean pocket.

vinnie hacker ~ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now