Chapter 4

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19th January 1912

I and Branson were walking around the estate just talking about everything. As he could hear Papa calling for him he said he had to go, but just before he left he kissed me lightly on the cheek.

Oh my lord, what was I getting myself into? Me and the chauffeur. Papa would go mad with anger if he found out Tom had kissed me. But I didn’t mind. Tom was sweet and charming and I much rather preferred him to Mr Carlyle. Plus Tom was rather good looking and I didn’t pull away when he kissed me.

The last few days had been rather boring. Mama was going on and on about how good looking Mr Frank was and how he would make me a lovely husband. I disagreed of course he was 21 year older than me.

However hard I tried I just couldn’t seem to get Tom out of my head. His light blue eyes and his adorable Irish accent. Granny had the wave her hand in front of my face to get my attention.

“Are you alright my dear? You seem to be in some sort of trance?”

“Oh yes I am alright! Just a little tired that’s all!”

After dinner I went down to the garage, and spoke to Tom for what seemed years.

“How are you Lady Sybil?” he asked with a cheeky little grin on his face!

“Oh please stop calling me Lady Sybil, just call me Sybil. I would fell so much more comfortable!”

“Oh of course, Sybil!”

There it went again! Irish accent was so alluring! I just wanted to kiss him then and there.

I began to lean in closer and was telling him about how I wanted a man who was loyal, trustworthy and handsome; Tom began to lean in closer too.

“But wouldn’t your parents rather you marry someone wealthy and has a high title to his name?”

“Well yes but I can’t always listen to my parents rules I must start living on my own!”

We were leaning in and we were about to kiss when…

“Branson!” I could hear Papa coming so I quickly hid behind the car.

“Your Lordship how can I help you?”

“You see I need to take to car into town tomorrow and I was wondering if you could drive me there around 7.00.”

“Yes sir!” he answered sharply, then turned away!

Tom signalled me to come out from hiding! We locked eyes for a moment, then I realised I had to get back to the house before they noticed!

“Goodbye Tom!” I whispered while kissing him lightly on the cheek!

What was I doing! I had fallen in love with the Chauffeur!

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