Chapter 6

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Tom Branson P.O.V

“I kissed Sybil…” I stuttered. What had I just done? Was that simple kiss going to destroy me and Sybil’s friendship or was it going to make it stronger?

Sybil hadn’t spoken to me in a week and I missed our simple conversation. Yesterday I drove her and her friends to the town for the parade, I kept peering into my side view mirror to see if Sybil was looking at me but she just kept her head down. I went to go and open the door for the girls and Sybil was the last to leave the car, I grabbed her wrist and turned her around to face me…

“Tell me you didn’t enjoy kissing Sybil…” I asked her demanding to know an answer.

“W-w-h-hat?” She stuttered, “Tom what happened was a mistake and I’m sorry”.

“I’m not!” I wanted to kiss her so much she looked beautiful with her blue and green eyes. I could tell that she was lying. I had learned a few tricks of the trade from working at Downton Abbey. Whenever anyone from the house was lying they always turned their head straight down towards the floor. At this time Sybil face was staring right at the floor.

“Tom, can’t we just be friends?” She asked as I could see she was about to cry. I placed my hand lightly on her cheek and wiped her tear away, stroking her cheek whispered

“If that is what you really want of course we can but I just want you to know that I still have strong more than just friends feeling for you, and that I always will!” I removed my hand from her cheek and whispered goodbye as I lightly kissed her on the cheek.

As I turned away I could hear gasp escape Sybil’s mouth and as I turned around and hoped for her to say she felt the same, she simply mouthed she was sorry, before running off to join her friends.

Sybil Crawley P.O.V

Tom said he liked me, and the more than friends kind of like as well. What was I going to do, my heart was telling me to tell him that I loved him and my head was telling me to forget him. But how could I forget him exactly, what can I say he stole my heart… and the truth was I didn’t mind.

Maybe this was a sign that we were meant to be together. It’s like all the true-love stories I read he loves her and she loves him, and then they live happily ever after… but it wasn’t going to be like that for Tom and me, if I gave into him and told him how I actually felt, then Papa or Mama may not ever talk to me again.

But Tom was so caring and he…loved me! He actually loves me, how could I say no to his cute and charming Irish accent! I decided for what was best I would tell him. At 11 o’clock I went down to the garage and Tom was there, although I already knew that because Granny was still here which meant he would be in the garage waiting to drive her home. I stepped into the garage with my heels clopping on the concrete. There was Tom, as soon as he heard me come in he instantly turned around and looked into my eyes, and I couldn’t help but stare back.

“Sybil I….” I cut him off because I wanted to tell him how I felt exactly, and I didn’t want to hear his apologies and he had nothing to apologise for anyway….

“Tom... I’m sorry okay! I shouldn’t have run of like that and I should have told you how I felt then and there but I didn’t…. and I’m deeply sorry about that!”

He just looked at me confused for a moment or two and then he said “Sybil… I know that our relationship wouldn’t work out because we are too different, we’re from different backgrounds and we aren’t the same people…”

 I thought he was telling me that he didn’t want to be with me anymore and if he did then I really don’t know what I’d do….

“But I don’t care!” He shouted and as I looked up he began walking towards me and spoke again…

“Your happiness is the only thing I care about, I love you Sybil and I know you may not feel the same but I can’t hold it in any longer. The world is changing and me along with it. A month ago, I wouldn’t of even though of talking to you and now I can barely go a day without hearing you soft and gentle voice. When everything with the war is settled I want you to run away with me... and I know it sounds a little drastic but I know you feel the same deep down and you know it too…”

“Okay!” I stuttered, I wasn’t really thinking this through, but how can the devil be pulling you towards something that looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?

“W-w-hat?” I could tell that he was shocked by how quick I answered the question, so I didn’t want to explain it to him how much I was tired of this old house and how I had to wear the same old clothes, I just wanted to live my life, the way I wanted to live it!

Without thinking I leaned and kissed him…. I didn’t care about anything anymore, only about Tom, me and our future together, that’s all I could think about as he kissed about me passionately…

But there was one slight problem… How was I going to get away? With Tom? The Chauffeur!

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