Chapter 5

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Hey guys thank you for reading this book it means alot! This chapter is a bit more lovey dovey then the others! Hope you enjoy! 

Comments and Votes will be appreciated!

(Sybil POV)

21st January 1912

So me and Tom were growing extremely close to each other, I told him things that I had never told anybody else and I was so glad when I told him about it…..

Ever since I was little I believed in fairy tales and how everyone would live happily ever after. Everyone I had ever met had always said “oh she won’t amount to anything special” or “you’ll have to make sure you keep a close eye on that wild one!” I wasn’t crazy; I just wanted to be treated like an adult, for people to respect me and my wishes!

 So I told Tom that if the war that Papa keeps talking about actually happens then I would join the War Nurse Station! Of Course when I told Papa he said it was a ridiculous idea and that I would be worrying about what my hair looked like not about what the nursing uniform looked like!

Tom looked at me for a moment, like he was confused or something? “Are yo-u...” His lips crashed into mine, it was passionate and I couldn’t resist kissing him back and so I did. After kissing him I just took a step back and felt a tingling down my back, as if someone had walked over my grave.

“Are you okay Sybil?” Tom asked quite worryingly and there it went again his sweet Irish accent I just couldn’t… he was so handsome and kind it was like his face had been carved by angles; okay slight exaggeration there, but he was really handsome and his light blue eyes twinkled in the light of the moon.

I walked away not thinking of what to do next should I tell Papa, or not. Of course not, he would fire Tom and that was the last thing I wanted as I was walking out of the garage he shouted after me…

“I love you Sybil Crawley and I don’t care who knows it because it’s true!”

I just turned around astonished, did that really just happen?

“I...I…I…” No words would come out I tried to say something but I couldn’t!

The truth was I loved him too….

Hey guys and in the next chapter we will be seeing things from Tom Branson's point of view! Will their love secret come out or not?  

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