Chapter 14: So much

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So they explore sometimes? I want to explore! No, Doc said not to move to much and I would like to walk again. But I can still go and check out the place, but I would like to get into real cloths instead of hospital cloths.

I opened one of the drawers, there's a mix of sans, frisk, chara, toriel, undyne, and asriel cloths for multiple sizes, I grab a cyan blue with black striped frisk shirt and dark pink sans pants and change cloths.

When I walk out I can hear running and someone screaming for there life. I moved as fast as I could to the hallway that leads to other hallways and is on the same side as the main area's hallway. I see 2 sans running, one was Toxic, the other was...

Core: "Error..."


Error: "COME HERE!!!"

They ran past me before Error caught Toxic by the hood and started dragging him.

Toxic: "No please I've been a good boy I didn't do it."

Error: "Me and 3 others saw you do it."

Core: "Wha-What is going on?" I asked worried and scared.

Error: "This boi stole horni gas again and threw 2 people into a room with it so I have to punish him accordingly, also I thought we got rid of that stuff where'd ya find it?"

Toxic: "Umm..."

Core: "A-Are you going to t-torcher and k-kill him." I stutter out nervous as hell now.

Error: "Heck no that's cruel, ima do something worse." Error said slightly maniacally.

Core: "O-Oh stars..."

Error: "I'm going to throw him into an industrial washing machine, use pink dye, AND STAIN HIM AND HIS CLOTHS! WHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Core: "Umm..."


Error: "Stop complaining and comply or up make it hot pink instead."

Toxic tripped Error then got on his knees in front of me.

Toxic: "Please I beg of you help me." He pleaded.

Core: "Umm... I would but... I'm scared of Error and... I kinda want to see what will happen to you."

Toxic: "No ple-ACK!" Toxic got cut off by Error grabbing his hood and yanking him back.

Error: "Why don't you help me. The door behind me has a pink dye in it. Grab that and bring it here."

I walk into the room behind Error. It looked like a storage closet except with all sorts of dyes. I grab pink and hot pink in case and walk out to see Error now holding Toxic down like a SWAT officer would.

Error: "Ah your back." Error said whilst grabbing something.

It looked like a portal gun, he shot it at the wall making a blue puddle which is presumably a portal.

Toxic: "noAH-"

Toxic got cut off by Error jumping thru, which was followed by me.

Cue transition

We were in a dark area with a bunch of stuff around, I assume this is the storage room. Continuing to follow Error, we walked along a bit with a very upset ToxicTale sans til we reached a wash part of the storage room. It was one of those in the top washing machines without a door to the top.

Core: "No door?"

Error: "We use this large board but that's not going on."

Core: "Why?"

Error: "So he can breath?"

Core: "Oh right."

Error turned the machine on and poured the pink dye in holding Toxic on a plank.

Toxic: "Error this isn't right?"

Error: "This isn't right?" Error repeated glaring slightly.

Error: "THIS...IS...SPARTA!!!" Error screamed before Sparta kicking toxic.

He did that raise hand dramatic thing characters in movies that are falling do. Then he fell in and started spinning around a lot whilst pink dye got all over him.

Error: "This is going to take 10 minutes so you can head to the main area. Thru the double doors."

Core: "Okee." I said cheerfully having been calmed down a lot thanks to the silly chaos that has occurred.

It took me a bit but I found the exit door to the main room and- OH WOW.

This place is huge! But why is there so many mutants, wait... there hanging out with other sans? They must not be dangerous then. Oh dear I hope I don't upset them because I'm going to shake in fear a lot around them. Im not racist but I'm still scared since I have a very bad history with mutants.

I nervously walked along looking around at the strange additions and odd machinery that looked kinda like showers but with tubes...A lot of tubes. I eventually noticed the door to the second main area as indicated by a map on the wall. It was grey double doors with small windows on them that look like the ones at schools.

Speaking of schools I haven't seen a single frisk or chara here. I also haven't seen anyone that looks young, Blue no longer fits the description of young looking. He definitely got taller.

I can already tell I'm going to be harassed slightly for being short as hell. Like how I heard people refer to someone as bat boi. As I walk into the second main area i immediately got nostalgia from that movie series matrix, it looks so much like it.

I notice BookTale sans sitting at a desk sleeping, the desk seems to be a part of a library, most likely a check out desk. The note was right about there being a movie section.

All sorts of old, new, og, and in between story's. There's even some on AU story's like old DreamTale and one about the theory's of what the first au was, the first au will never be confirmed cus of how little we know about it.

Looking around I notice some things platforms lead to other stuff. Most of them were to science nerdy for me to comprehend but I did recognize a movie theater.

I figure iv seen all I needed to here so I began walking out buy bump into someone as I'm walking out.

???: "Ow..."

Core: "Ow, I'm so sorry si-

Dream: "No No it's fine ms-"

1037 words
Cliff_hanger.mp4 back online and running lol.

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