Chapter 23: Invasion Pt 1

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¿?¿?'s POV:

So this is it...

¿??: "This is the place?"

¿?¿?: "Yep."

?¿¿: "I say we blow it up."

¿?¿?: "No... It's winter right now... and besides there's some things and 'friends' I want to get."

¿?¿: "How shall we enter?"

¿?¿?: "Knocking of course." I say holding some explosives.

We all chuckle deviously... felt good.

??¿: "I thought we weren't blowing it up."

¿?¿?: "We are not destroying the whole place dumb a** just the front door."

??¿: "Isn't that sti- OW."

¿?¿?: "Shut up." I hollered angrily to him.

Errors POV:

Seems peaceful. Maybe too peaceful but that at times has just been me, and also has been right to worry so I guess expect both and then some.

I guess what I was mostly expecting was Ink or someone / someTHING to come up to view. Well something came alright.



Alarms sound off

Error: "Hm."

I grab my trusty 5 shooter and announce over coms.

Error: "Dynamite just removed our front door so either hide or prep for war but either way... your prob going to be fighting so grab a weapon I don't care what it is as long as it's not paper or cardboard."

I turn off the coms and exit the security room that I'm most likely going to change entrance of since in the lab ain't convenient for all locations.

I walk out and sure enough the main room is 1/3 full and those that didn't leave are either freaking out or readying for something to bust through the door.

Well something did bust thru the door, the kitchen door and it was Toxic who somehow got both his feet stuck in flour.

Error: "Moron!"

Toxic: "F*** YOU TO!"

Welp I guess we wait.


Ok didn't have to wait that long.


Error: "5 bucks says itl take 3 more hits."

Fell: "Your on!"


...I wonder...


Error: "Now what if..." I say holding up my gun.

The others caught onto what I was about to do and just before the next hit came.


Gun shots went off like there's 4 machine guns firing. We all unloaded into the door except for me who saved 3 extra bullets.

The others once they ran out threw guns over there shoulders and whipped out pistols. We learned from movies.

Error: "I decided I have a death wish."

Blade: "Huh?"

Error: "FOR THE MOTHER LAAAAAAND!" I scream whilst charging the door.

?¿?: "W-Wait!" Someone said from behind the door.


I jump into the door drop kicking it. Good thing I did otherwise I would have had to sans dodge a sucker punch from a tail. The 3 look down to me.

Error: "Olo."


Welp that's 2 dow- "OW"

Something hit me from the side with a decent force. As I fly thru thru the air I notice it's Ink who sent me flying. As I land it's in front of the kitchen.

Kitchen has a lot of food so quick thinking... flour! I will use it as a minor smoke bomb. And if I throw this mentos in cola air seal it and yeet it at em that will catch em off guard. If I can get my hands on the sugar I can do a fake dusting once. Thanks Houdini for teaching me to vanish.

I put my plan in action and managed to distract them with the flower and soda. Allowing Blade to sneak up on em and start a close up assault.

Dreams POV:

It's very worry some but I heard a lot of gun shots and then 2 more, it sounds like bandits got in and I can't help Error, I have to get PJ and Core to a safe place first.

I figured it would be best to hide them in the biome sphere, but I have to go thru the main area to do that, I could also hide them in a random room since there is like 1000 rooms, but eventually they would find them.

Where to hide them...

Core caught onto my thoughts.

Core: "There is a secret door behind my closet we could hide in."

Dream: "Sounds good to me."

We ran to her room which was to the side but not far back, I didn't see which room she had since I wasn't paying attention at all.

We ran in and I locked the door as PaperJam started to move a desk.

Dream: "Wait! If that's in front of the door they will realize someone is here and won't stop looking, we just need them to think this is an unused empty room."

PJ: "Ok."

Core: "Over here!"

We ran up to her and sure enough there is a room behind the closet, it appears to be lockable to.

Dream: "Ok you 2 stay here."

PJ: "Where are you going?"

Dream: "I signed a legal contract with Error so I'm part of defense team so I kinda can't stay with you."

PJ: "There isn't even law to make a legal contract."

Dream: "Yes there is it's called my word."

I stated simply then ran out the door locking it behind me... After unlocking it and yelling at myself for locking it behind me when I entered knowing I was exiting anyways.

As I ran back to the main room I hear a lot of fighting and that worry's me a lot. If our side is loosing I might not be able to do anything since I'm still under fight training with Farmer. If we are winning I can decently help out.

When I arrived it was evenly matched for the most part, it was mostly physical fighting but I also noticed someone was trying to hold the front door shut from someone outside.

But he was about to get cut off by someone running up to him with a knife. I rush foreword to stop them.

(first official fight sorry if it's bad)

I start the fight with a spin allowing my tail to drop hard down onto him, it knocked him unconscious with a -69 damage number, but unfortunately someone else was about to sneak up on me. I barely saw them out of the corner of my eye.

This guy has a bullet hole in his chest and a giant hand at the end of his tail, tail mutation fight it is.

He starts off by trying to sucker punch me with his tail, that has some force in it but luckily he missed. I return the blow with a side slap but he blocked it.

He tries to grab me and succeeds lifting me up, I went to slap him with my tail but he grabs it just before, I split my tail into 2 pieces and stab him with a small tail.


He throws me and I hit my head.


It's time to fight seriously now.

1161 words
Now you get to know what Inks little 'group' is going to be like, chapter name will change later.

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