Christian Grey

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I was brought up in a well educated family and a wealthy one. But we were taught to appreciate things we should work hard for everything we achieved. I worked and saved every penny, so I could own my own company like my grandparents and father owns his. Mom has a practice, but she has other doctors in her office as well. Dad is now taking on partners to increase the size of his firm. I am going to be a billionaire one day. Mom and dad think I am working to hard and have told me to enjoy life too.
I have tried to get Christian to meet girls and he has told me he has only one thing he wants from a female and he wants the same as most horny teens do. But he also doesn't want to get a teenager pregnant and have to take care of the baby. We discuss birth control and I set him up with a few females who I know really likes him enough to have a bit of fun in the bedroom. When dad and mom found out I was ready to have sex they had the talk about birth control with me and the word no means no at any point and you stop right then and there. Also a drunk person is not a good sexual partner. Make sure they get home safely without having sex with them. Do not leave an unconscious female alone, call her parents or us to assure she is okay otherwise call 911. Condoms were going to be on the shopping list and make sure you have them available at all times. Preferably when you intend to have sex. Not all girls are honest about birth control or STDs so it is up to me as a male to prevent from getting something or creating a new life. As a man I have a huge responsibility to protect myself and my partners from both of these situations.
Mom and dad decided to drag me into the same talk as they gave Elliott. They also told us to buy the best and make sure they fit and look at the sell by dates. No gas station condoms ever. Always but from a retail store preferably a drug store. Mom hands us each a twelve pack of Trojan condoms each and asks us to get tested for an STD regularly and she could schedule those if we needed them now. Since I am a virgin at fourteen I told her I had no need of it yet.
I asked mom to set up a test for me and they told Christian to make sure he gets tested regularly and they set up an appointment for me to be tested and told me to abstain until I got a clear result. They tell Christian and I that Mia will be getting the girl version of this talk so not to worry. Christian laughs and asks if we can be in the room when it happens? They say no and laugh and tell him to leave for now while they have a word with me. They lecture me on being safe and to recall who I am having sex with so I can figure out who infected me or who I infected. They will be having this lecture with Christian too. But they know I have dated three girls in three weeks and Christian isn't dating yet.
I have my chat with Mia as she turns into a woman at twelve. I then talk to her about everything I spoke to Christian and Elliott about. Carrick was too embarrassed to chat with Mia about this, so I had to. Mom was here and we all three had a conversation about all of it. Mom went a little too deeply for my taste and a twelve year old doesn't need to know about orgasms. I had to cut that chat short by taking us to lunch and shopping. We ran into Elena Lincoln and she tried her best to invite herself along with us. Mom told her it was our girls day out with Mia and we would be going to teen shops to buy clothing. Elena got the hint I thought. She was trying to get an invitation to the charity event, but I told her it was sold out. Christian came by to ask for some money and I handed him some cash and he left with a friend of his. A young lady. He became sexually active at sixteen. Now he is about to attend Harvard. He has started his own business and is doing well. Elena made some nasty comment about the girl he was with. I told her I knew the girl and her family and didn't appreciate her derogatory comments about her. I asked her if she spoke that way about any other girls like that? Then asked if she said bad things about Mia as well. We all got up and left her there by herself.
I would love to have Christian visit me in my dungeon. But something tells me that his parents keep a tight reign on them. I saw the way Christian and his little friend headed. I decide to see if I can locate Christian and his little friend and ask him if he has time to help me out at my home.
Mom called me and told me to stay far away from Elena Lincoln and keep my young lady away from her as well. She says she doesn't trust Elena or any of her family. She asks me to trust her on this and never be alone with her or allow my friends male or female alone with her. She doesn't want her on our property ever. She wants her removed immediately and call the cops if she doesn't leave. I agree to follow her instructions.
I call Carrick and tell him that I don't want Elena or her family at our home or nears the kids ever. I tell him that I get a bad feeling about her and it just won't stop.

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