Alexander Steele Grey?

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Mom this is not up for discussion with you and dad. It is Chris and my decision to make. Giving my child three surnames is just weird. And why do we need to discuss the will with anyone but our attorneys? Chris and I have everything done and we did it all with very brilliant attorneys and don't even ask if you can look it over. You do realize that officially the A R Steele Agency can be taken back by Anastasia? I am too tired for this discussion and it is not something I am concerned about at all.
I hear the conversation Jennifer is having with her mother and I know why she is keeping things from her mother in general. When she found out she married me, and that was all she knew and that we had decided to work at A R Steele Agency while going to college as well.. We moved into mom's home after after it was remodeled to Jennifer and my satisfaction. She invited everyone over when it was done. Mrs Alexander loved it so much she wanted to move in, but mr Alexander told her no way and stopped any further comments about it. Then she queried me about how I could afford it. I merely said I inherited it and Charles did the remodel as a wedding gift from everyone. She prodded me further and I decided to let Jennifer decide if she wanted to explain who I am and that I run a multi billion dollar company.
Audrey time to go, and Jennifer we are very happy for you both and the name is your choice, both of you. Don't allow outside influences decide for you. Audrey that means you especially and stop questioning about how they can afford things. Don't worry Chris we aren't going to move in here with you two. I want more than one grandchild and we can't get that if we move in with you both. Your mom and dad are very nice people. I met your dad not long after your mom disappeared and he had people looking for her. It is nice that she is back after such a long time. Plus you are getting a sibling now. That's going to be nice.
Anastasia is not a spring chicken hope everything goes well with the baby.
Omg mom time for you to go home.
I agree, sorry about that Chris. Audrey opens her mouth and sticks her foot in it a lot. I have a few calls to make and your mom has an appointment in the morning. I drag Audrey out to the car and assure she gets inside before I let her have it. Audrey can you not upset your daughter and her husband please. Be on time for our meeting in the morning. If you miss it again the divorce settlement will be minus all the attorneys fees due to your delaying the inevitable divorce. You knew when you started screwing around that I would find out about it. Now that Jennifer has a good husband and home, I want the divorce. You can have all those boy toys, but don't expect they will stay around when they can get the usual toys from you after our divorce.
I have no idea what you are talking about Oscar. He throws and big envelope at me and tells me those are duplicate. I open the envelope and see very clear photos of me giving one of the guys from the club a blow job and you can see both our faces and his tattoos and my Oscar tattoo. My name is on his bottom right side hip. His is on my breasts, he wouldn't allow me to take them off when the surgeon enlarged my boobs.
That picture shows clearly your tattoo as you suck his penis. Was it worth our marriage? We're any of them worth it? Oh but this one is the best one of all. Two guys and there are videos. So now I know and your last one was into some hard core BDSM. Want to see the photos he took so he could enjoy the injuries done to you and the three other females he had at his disposal that night. He definitely kept those guys making the blue pills in business that night. Be at the attorneys at eight am. I am dropping you at your hotel room. Hand me the key to the house and the car. Well you can keep the the one you are driving. I closed all our joint accounts and you have one credit card and one account with enough to buy a home and start a business and I am only doing that so you won't pester me, Jennifer, or Chris for money. If you do I will assure you won't again. I will show your photos on line. You know me well enough to know I am not to be trifled with.
Oscar seemed a bit off, but he was thrilled about being a grandpa. Audrey was more concerned about the last names of the baby. I could sense she wanted to make some comment about my age and being pregnant.
I met those two the guy puts up with Audrey and her antics. She hits on me all the time. I made sure not to go to the bathroom alone. Oscar guarded the door for me, she tried and failed yet another attempt tonight. He is finally divorcing her and has irrefutable evidence of her cheating on him. Her Oscar tattoos apparently are unique and where they are very obvious. She might show her cleavage, but she puts makeup on the tattoos. Her breast aren't real and Oscar paid for them. He wouldn't allow her to get them removed by the surgeon. He has her name tattoos on her buttocks. I find it amusing, but he is getting it removed after the divorce. Oh by the way if Audrey cries poor don't believe her. Her divorce will leave her a healthy settlement. It could have left her with half of everything but Oscar asked for Taylor to help get the goods on Andreas and boy he got a lot.

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