Christian Joseph Steele

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Christian Joseph Steele arrived today after I kept telling the nurse I was in labor she finally believed me when my water broke all over her clean floors. My bump was very tiny and no one knew I was pregnant. Until Chris arrived five minutes later on the gurney someone finally got me on. Dumb nurse. I nearly delivered my own son. A lady next to me helped the baby come out while we were waiting for someone to help deliver my son. She cleared the appropriate cavities and made sure he was breathing while everyone was running to help a guy who was bleeding to death. Okay I get it, I can understand why he was a priority. Finally my OB/ GYN came sauntering in like he was God's gift to women. More like a nightmare narcissist on two feet who likes to look at women's privates if you ask me. I am changing to a different OB after this. The lady helping me was with her niece who unfortunately miscarried and was waiting for Dr Samuels as well. It was hard to hear how nonchalantly he was about telling her about her miscarriage. He told her she can still try again. Stacey told her aunt that Pete would blame her yet again for the loss of the baby. Apparently Pete is her husband her aunt Martha has been allowing them to live with her for a while and Pete has been an ass. He isn't here for her and she wants out of the marriage, but can't afford the divorce. I hand Martha my card and ask them to call me directly I can help them out. Martha Ellis and Stacey Lewis are well educated, but we're laid off by their company. It seems that they only laid off the female employees. She hesitated to tell me why, but after she knows me she probably will tell me.
Charles Adams
I have been taking advantage of my situation with miss Steele. She is definitely a a smart cookie, I brought her some lunch a few times, the woman eats very little for a very pregnant woman. I have been trying to get a supper date from her, but she has a lot on her mind at this stage. She finally gave birth to a five pound boy. He definitely eats well, he gained a pound in the first week. Anastasia breast feeds him in the room we put together on the top floor next to her office. Her employees were a bit miffed that their offices were closed for the remodel. But they were given better offices on the floor below. Marketing had to move and they were finally happy with being next to the research and development department. It amazed me how fast it all happened and her IT people were right on top of it. They have a the whole third floor and the basement. She hired two new people she met at the hospital. Martha actually deliver Chris, when no one thought she was pregnant and in labor. They fired the nurse and she fired her OB/GYN so did the niece Stacey. Stacey went to discuss her divorce with miss Steele's head attorney. Martha invited me to supper with them at her home tonight so I accepted. I am repairing Ana's newest home. She wants a lot done to the home.
I tell Charles we can meet at Martha's place and I go and change my young son. Chris is getting bigger by the day and he is cute as a bug. He has eyes that aren't my color and his hair is definitely not my color. He is getting taller as well. He is growing like a weed. Kate is coming back for New Years Eve and wants to stay at my apartment so she can see the ball drop from it. I just got into the place a week ago and it has five bedrooms. Charles fixed all the issues before they sold it to me. So he told me about it before it was listed. I hired a couple of mannies and nannies and both are trained bodyguards with their other skills.
Roz has been on me to go get laid. She says I need to relax after I blew up at her latest fling for walking into my office looking for her. I told her Gwen probably did it just to annoy me. Roz just laughed at me. Gwen was checking you out for a friend of hers that wants to screw you is all. I tell to inform her friend I don't screw, oh sorry I can't use that word at work.
Nancy my lead attorney came up and talked about my will once again. I finally discussed how to protect my company so Chris will have it intact when he grows up. So we discuss a few things and we came up with a system of checks and balances so not just one person has control over Chris and his trust funds and his inheritance if anything happens to me. Martha and Kate are people with their heads on straight and Charles is a good person as well. So along with Nancy I make out my will. Just as I sign it a cold chill goes down my spine. It is notarized and I sign the documents to make sure they all have guardianship over Chris. All them have to agree to any major agreements. The executor is Martha. Stacey is not in a good place to be involved in this especially after Pete. I have Martha and Charles find an attorney to keep Nancy, Martha and Charles in check and assure Chris gets my company intact.
Nancy Ford
At first I was a bit miffed she didn't consider me as guardian, but the way she set it up was very creative and the other attorneys will hopefully not see the way I wrote it up.
Two days later Charles has brought his attorney and so has Martha. They all insist I fire Nancy after they pointed out something to me. Her wording gives her everything. I have her brought up and to bring her second in command. Three hours later Nancy has confessed and terminated and I have her second take that sentence out of the will and the guardianship is checked out as well. We bring the three other attorneys in and tell them Kimberly is now their new boss and they are in competition for the second in command if they can write up a contract that creates a board of review to assure my assets go to Chris. Of course funds for his care will be deposited into an account for expenses. Kate was also placed in the will as one of the people to look after Chris if something happened to Anastasia.
Nancy would have taken the company the next day. Anastasia missed that. Martha and I found it. Stacey finally divorced Pete. She is going to college at this point. Martha and I are good friends. Anastasia and I are as well, even though I would like it to be more we just don't spark. I think she knew that all along.
Charles kissed me once, but we both felt absolutely nothing. I had just got everything ready for New Years Eve when Stacey called me from the ER she had been in an accident and needed her insurance cards so I ran out to hurry to the ER and just as I got to the hospital I heard a loud bang and everything went black.

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