A Bad Batch

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A month later I am sitting in my OB/GYN office as she tells me my shot was from a bad batch and she needs to test me for pregnancy. I am definitely pregnant and don't know the guys name, number or anything else about him per our arrangements. No names, no nothing just a one night stand.
Anastasia just told me she is pregnant because of a bad batch of shots. She is getting a huge settlement because of it. Not that she needs it, her company has grown and she is a multimillionaire at this point and she is expanding overseas soon.

Seattle News it couldn't happen to a nice group of people. After being allowed out on bail Richard and Elena Lincoln thought to have ran from the long hands of justice with the men who were also released on bail. All seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Police questioned the parents of their victims and no one knew anything about their disappearance.
An old abandoned shipyard.
Unknown masked people watch as the Lincoln's and their friends who thought they were free and clear of raping young girls and boys at parties they set up are finding out just how wrong they are. The area is lighted and it is directed on the criminals who have taken the purity of their families teenagers and they have destroyed parts of them they can never get back. Each of these people watching are all out of town on business or at a funeral. They have witnesses to prove where they were at. They start with Richard Lincoln. They use vibrators and other toys that aren't toys if you use them to inflict pain on these horrible inhumane things before us. We found all the people involved that night Roger and Debra's life was destroyed. By the time the screaming was done the people watching it had to leave and they went to where they were supposed be at. The bodies were found months later and all the bail money was lost along with property they put up for it.
I learned how to get those photos off the internet and I don't go to parties anymore. Roger and I have become good friends. We have other new friends who had suffered at the hands of people who think it was their right to treat other so in such a depraved way. We have been approached by a writer who wants to write about our experiences. Roger and I have talked it out with each other and our parents. They have strong feelings about it and want us safe. The writer has promised no one will find out who we are or any of the others are. Kate Kavanagh has came to Seattle to talk to us about the story and visit her family while she is here.
We finally work out a deal that will be good for everyone involved. It has been a month since the bodies were found. We think it would be helpful to others to know there are people like this out there in the world.
My baby bump is still not showing, but there is a baby growing in there. I love this baby and will give it the love it deserves. I have two more months to go until I give birth. Kate didn't get her guys name either. She went back to the club to ask and they had no idea who she was talking about. She asked me if I wanted to know my guys name and I told her I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a crowd. The lighting in the club was horrible and the place was too dark to get an idea what he looked like. I don't mind at all. I don't need money from him and I didn't have parents and looked how far I came from being a foster child. I am having a son and he will know how much he is wanted and loved. I will be honest with him about not knowing his father's name and he was the product of a bad batch of a birth control shot.
Anastasia is taking being pregnant in stride and she got a nice size settlement to help her raise her son. She is working hard and has hired a few of the guys who Barney recommended for her IT department. She has a nice staff of bodyguards now. Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan got released from prison and she thinks they are coming after her at this point.
I am buying a home for me and my bambino. I have started a daycare for my employees and they are doing better since we implemented it. I had people who have children put together plans on the breaks and they have meetings to fix any issues each week. A nursery was a must. Breast feeding mommies have a private place to go to feed their babies. As long as they work their required hours everyone is happy. I walk into my office and the door to the private room is open and I don't know who would have done that. I ask who is the room and the guy is here to help with expanding the room to put in the nursery furniture and everything I will need for the baby and myself. He shows me the plans and then he says I will lose ten more feet in my office space with the safe room. I give it the okay.
Charles Adams
I watch as a very beautiful brunette walks over and looks at the plans and I show her what we can do and if she wants that to happen. He gave me a great estimate for the work and then asked if I was adopting?
No I am due in a little over a month. I write him a deposit and he is going to start working in the morning.

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