Aubrey Ann and Andrew Jacob Grey

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Elliott Jr
Mom and dad and all of Harley's family are sitting here waiting for news about the emergency c section of our twins. After the labor stopped they decided to take Harley in for a c section, so I was tossed out if her room after signing for permission to do a c section on my unconscious wife. I was pacing and mom and dad finally had me sedated by grandma Grace. I was woke up and brought to see my wife and twins Aubrey and Andrew Grey. People had no idea what we named the babies until they were born. Mom and dad loved the names. Apparently twins run in both sides of the family.
Anastasia and I had welcomed the second set of twins by Chris and Jennifer a month after the wedding. They happen to be at the party to celebrate Anastasia Rose graduation when her labor pains hit hard. Gail and mom delivered the twins in a guest room. After that Gail and Taylor retired and visit us occasionally in the rainy season on the island we bought. We had a home built for them to retire to and they own a place in Seattle and New York. I made sure Jason and Gail had a nice company of their own to make sure they knew their friendship and going above and beyond their job descriptions was very appreciated. Barney and Jennifer Miller has their own IT company and they train all of the Grey families IT people and all are geniuses to be able to get past their application processes.
Christian And I adopted three teens whose parents had died after someone shot up the school they taught at. They had no family left. So we stepped in to take custody of them Allen 13, Stewart 15 and Colleen Simms were scared at first, but within six months it was like they had always been with us all their lives. We put all their parents assets into a trust for them to use for college or move into when they all turned 18. The attorneys will handle that. We lost Carrick to a stroke a year later. Grace started throwing herself into her charity work and lived another very active ten years. Charles Adams died in his sleep and Daisy died the same year. Chris and Jennifer were truly broken up as well as Kate and Elliott. They had a small funeral, but a lot of homeless people showed outside the funeral. Charles and Daisy were heavily into helping the homeless and made sure the six shelters were always kept maintained.
Anastasia Rose Grey became a pediatric surgeon just like her grandmother Grace. She kept the Grey name after her marriage to David Sullivan a neurosurgeon she met in college. Our twins are not sure what they want to do and our recent adoptees have not decided what they want to yet. One thinks he wants to work with Elliott Jr. Harley was happy she married Elliott Jr. and she has went on to college. Her blue hair still freaks out some of our family at our get togethers. Anastasia just laughs. Roz lost Gwen when a robber shot her and several customers at a gas station. I paid for a full retirement, she had six years left, but she was too distraught to keep working and their three children needed her home. So I made sure she was well compensated and assured she would always get her yearly salary as well.
Eamon and Enid Kavanagh died when the Kavanagh Jet malfunctioned during a trip and exploded in flight. Ethan and Kate sold their company to Chris and Jennifer. Ethan married Gia Davidson and her parents were concerned about the difference in their ages, but after they eloped and she gave birth two months later to Donald And Samuel Kavanagh they decided to accept the marriage. The fact he was wealthy didn't hurt anything at all.
Life is full of ups and downs and I sold along with Ethan, because I couldn't be at Kavanagh Media without crying about my parents. So when Chris and Jennifer made us a generous offer we took it and now I have my own publishing company. Christian was going to retire, but after Gwen was killed he had to stay so Roz could be with her and Gwen's children. Gail and Jason decided to move back to Seattle after they became bored of doing nothing on the island.
I am running my company, but leaving the heavy things to Elliott Jr and his five brother in laws. Talk about hard workers. Their is a new construction company now. Davidson Grey Construction and Remodel.  I sent the five brothers to college and then their parents went as well. I spend time at home and Kate and I adopted a set of triplets that were left at the homeless shelter. After a year of fostering them we were given the option to adopt them and did. Ashley Lynn, Xavier David and Duncan Westley Grey were five when the adoption went through. They are the youngest Grey family members until Mia's grand baby is born soon.
Nothing like a family reunion at the hospital for yet another Grey family birth. Life definitely goes on and everything has been an adventure. I look at my family all here to welcome my new grandchild. I wished my husband was still alive to see his grandchild, but the cancer took him away from us four years ago. It was hard on all of us. Mercifully he didn't suffer a long drawn out illness. He died two months after being diagnosed. Typical of a family with doctors to not go see the doctors in their families.
Three hours later Samantha Grace Grey was born and I was thrilled that everything went okay. They had tried four times for a baby and finally here they succeeded. She looks just like her great grandmother Grace.

The end
Hope you enjoyed it. I have a new one in my mind.

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