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A knock on the door echoed through the room, "Nala? Is everything okay?"

Matteo answered, "everything is fine, mama. She slipped and knocked the leg of the bed." She could hear the laughter in his voice as he talked to his mother at the door. Nala groaned silently and put a pillow over her face, in embarrassment. "Good to see you're back on your feet Teo," retreating footsteps and door closed, she pushed back the covers and stood on shaky legs.

"Rest, princessa," he told her, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I... uh.. I am going to warm your soup," she rushed out, closing the door behind her. She leaned on it and took a deep breath. He was making her think a lot of dirty thoughts, she bit her lip to cover her smile. I've never had anyone eat me out like that before.

Not that she had many men shoving their heads between her thighs. Most of them never noticed her.

She composed herself and went downstairs to get his soup ready. Olivia was in the kitchen. Nala felt her cheeks and neck grow hot. Olivia had one of those smiles that said she knew something, "you look fine to me, glowing even."

She closed her eyes, thanking the universe for giving her color, or else, Olivia would see how she was blushing furiously, "ummh... i... I just stumbled.... Nothing serious."

Olivia all but hummed and nodded towards the microwave, "his soup is warm." Nala nodded and retrieved the hot bowl from the microwave and put it on a tray. She mumbled thanks and went back up to his room quickly, avoiding the older woman's knowing gaze.

She barely knocked and called his name and he grunted an answer. With her elbow on the door handle, she used her hip to push the door open. Matteo narrowed his eyes at her, "you could have said your hands were full."


"What if you burnt yourself?" He was already by her side, taking the tray from her hands and placing it on the nightstand. She rolled her eyes and said she wouldn't do it again. She sat on the edge of the bed, him taking up most of the space. She handed him his soup and checked his temperature.

"Thank you for taking care of me, princess," he pulled her face to his and landed a kiss on her lips, then rested his head back on his pillow. She sat beside him, facing him, watching while he ate the soup she had prepared for him.

"I've never considered myself helpless, you know. Apart from one time," he cut through the silence. "What one time?" she asked. He didn't know what to tell her, he didn't even know why he even mentioned that. He just felt like he should. And he wasn't sure how she would react. He didn't expect her to say anything. He didn't want to say anything.

You don't have to dump all your shit on her. She is just a f-

"The time I almost died," he said.

Dammit, Matteo! What were you thinking? Now look you made things awkward.

"I think I know how that feels," she whispered, her hands trailing down to her abdomen, her eyes clouding with sadness. He wanted to punch himself in the gut for making her sad, reminding her of the past she was probably running away from. And he also wanted to punch the person on the other end who made her sad.

"Do you want to talk about it, sweet cheeks?" he asked, a slow smile on his face. His bowl of soup was completely forgotten. Nala raised a brow, a shy smile playing on her lips, "sweet cheeks?"

He shrugged and caressed her chubby cheeks then grabbed her ass gently, "sweet cheeks." She hit him playfully, giggling like a schoolgirl, "that's cheesy."

"Or you'd rather it be cookie... I mean you're brown and sweet," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, she figured he meant she was sweet in the manner of how she tasted, not her personality.

She threw her head back, giggling wildly, hiding her heated face with her hands. He actually felt better for making her smile, for some reason. He pulled her flush to his chest, he wanted to kiss her but she pulled her head away, feigning shock, "I'm not that kind of gal, sir. You owe me a date to at least taste these lips."

"Ah, senorita! You will have to forgive me, but your lips are very tempting." He stole a quick kiss, knowing she was trying to change the subject and he respected that. She would eventually tell him the secrets of her past that made her the phenomenal woman that was seated right next to him.

She grinned, locking her fingers behind his head, "are they now?" He nodded and pushed his head forward humming a response, "very distracting." He held her head in place and smashed his lips on hers.

"Tomorrow seven," hesaid and pushed his tongue in her mouth. She hummed, responding to him with hisown tongue playing tango with his.

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