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"Bella we can't just burts in on the Billy and Jake." Before I could say anything else she jumped out of her truck and ran in the house. She pushed bast Billy and went to Jake's room

"Billy I'm so sorry" I said and then I saw Bella walking towards Sam. "Bella, stop"

"What did you do" Bella yelled at Sam and then pushed him. I grabbed Bella's arm "Stop"

"He didn't want this" she said

"What did he tell you" one asked

"Nothing because he is scared of you" Bella said. the other guy just laughed. Bella slapped him across the face.

"Bella what the hell"I said pulling her back

"Paul calm down"

Paul started shifting into a wolf, Bella and I slowly backed away.

"Bella, Sarah" Jacob said

"Run," Bella yelled

"Jake Run" I yelled

We were running to Jacob and then he shifted to a wolf to. "What the hell" I said, I slowly stood up but then everythig went dark.

I woke up being cared in by one of the other guys. He looked down at me "Well look who's awake." he said. we walked me into a house and put me in a chair.

"Thank you" I said

"No Problem." he said "Jared" he held out his hand. I took it "Sarah"

I sat in the chair and put my head between my legs and my hand over my head. "here is some water, you will be okay." a female voice said I sipped the water. "thank you" I said

Jared and Embry were talking but nothing prosesed what they were saying until Jared said "Damn these chicks run with Vampires."

"I don't, just my dear cousin here." I said

Sam, Jacob and Paul come into the house, Paul sits down and looks at Bella "Sorry" he said and looked at me, and paused his facial exprestion changed. While he was looking at me something in me made me feel drawn towards him.

"For the love of god Paul first you almost kill them and now this." Jared said.

'What?" I asked

"Nothing" he said and then he scarffed a muffin down.

"Bella come with me" Jake said

"You okay to stay here?" Bella asked

I just nonded my head.

"I'm bored" Embry said "Lets go cliff diving, Sam can we"


"Come on Sarah you too, we don't bite" Embry said

"Speak for your self" said Jared, and I could have sworne I heard Paul growl at him. We walked in to the woods and up a hill. I was trying to keep up with the boys but they were really fast. I was climbing over a log when I slip "Oh Shit" I said but I was cought my a very warm hand around my arm. I looked up to see Paul.

"I got you" he said smiling at me "I will never let you fall...ever" he whispered. My cheeks became a light shade of pink. holding on to my hand helping me up we heard Jared say "hury up, you are taking for ever"

"Shut up" I yelled back.

"Get on my back" Paul said. At this point I didnt hesitate I got on his back and put my arms around his neck, but not to tight. I looked at his right arm to see his tattoo.

"I like your tattoo"

"Thanks." he said

We finally got to the cliff. I slowly walked over to the edge. the waves were really big I was starting to have second thoughts about this. I gasped when I felt and arm slip around my waist.

"Not to close," Jared winked at me. once he let go Paul came close and pushed him over the edge. Paul and Embry burst in to fits of laughter.

"Paul what the hell were you thinking" I said almost yelling

"Chill Sarah, he's fine we do it all the time." Embry resured me.

Jared emudged from the woods, "who's next? Sarah?"

"Oh I don't know" I said putting up my hands

"Chicken?" Jared asked

No One calls me a chicken I said to my self. "Chicken huh, I'll show you chicken I took off my shoes, jacket, shirt,pants and my ring and dropped my phone and Ipod in my shoe. I tightend my bikini straps and walked back a little. "Sarah, you don't have to do this it is really dandgerus for a human." Paul said. I took a big breath and took a running start, and before I knew it I was in the air and diving in to the water.

when I hit the water it was so cold, thit felt like a thousend needles went in to my skin.

Paul's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me what if she is hurt." I yelled in Jareds face.

"How the hell did I know she would dive in."

I looked down and didnt see her yet I ran off the cliff and dived in after her.

End Of POV

I resurfest and I turnd to see Paul right next to me.

"You okay?" he asked

"" I studered.

We swam back to shore Embry had my stuff, Paul put his arms around me. "lets get back and get her warm." Paul said. he picked me up bridal styal and I put my arms around him and nuslet my face in the crook of his neck. "you will be warm soon" He said

When we got back to the house we walked to Paul's room, I got dressed in his cloths. I walked out of his room still cold. I sat on the couch next to Paul while Embry and Jared were on the floor.

"You still cold?"

"I'm fine." I said shivering. Damn, he just rolled his eyes and took off his hoodie and put it over my head. and then he wraped a blanket around me. "Thank you" I whispered. He put his arm around me and with out thinking I layed my head on his shoulder. He took my hands and held them in his big hand. "Oh my gosh you are so warm" I said getting closer if possibal. I looked up in to his eyes. he leaned closer to me, and are lips met. we moved in sync together. my hand up to his hair and his went to my waist. he licked my botton lip, and I let him in.

We pulled apart and smiled at each other. "Be mine" he whispered

"Yes" I said and we kissed again.

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