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"Good Morning Mellark's" I said walking into the bakery.

"Morning dear." Mr. Mellark said. Mrs. Mellark just noded her head at me and walked away. "Peeta is out doing errands but Grain is out in the back."

"Thanks Mr. Mellark" I said and ran out into the back. I snuck up behind Grain and covered his eye and said "Guess who" In a deep voice.

"Hi Ivy."

"Hello, want some help?"

"If you really want to, here." he handed me bread and I pulled it apart and fed the chickens. "Getting the party started with out me are you." Peeta said behind me.

"Hey Peeta" I said hugging him

"Ivy are you staying for dinner?" Arther asked

"Only if I can help make it."

"Okay" he said. I walked into the kitchen and started cutting up beef and and veggies. "It is very sweet of you to help." Arther said

"Arther can you help me." called Mrs. Mellark

"Coming. Peeta come help Ivy with dinner." Peeta walked in and helped me with dinner. He turned his back and started making the dinner rolls. I walked over to him after putting everything in to the beef stew. "Want to go for a walk after dinner?"

"Sure" he said with a smile. I took some floor into my hand

"Peeta you have some floor on your face." I said wiping some on his face.

"Oh your going to pay for that." He said picking me up and swinging me over his shoulder and bringing me out side. "Grain open the gate." Peeta said.

"Don't you dare drop me in the mud Peeta!" I yelled "PEETA MELLARK you put me down right now."

"Okay you said so." he said dropping me in a puddle of mud.

"What the hell" I yelled

"You told him yo put you down." Grain said I picked up mud and threw it at Grain and then at Peeta.

"What the hell is going on out here." Mrs. Mellark almost screamed

"I am so sorry, It is all my fault." I said

"Get in the house now." She said in a sharp tone.

We walked into the house and I fallowed Peeta into his room. "Can I barrow some cloths tonight?"

"Sure" he said handing me a t-shirt and shorts. we finished making dinner then we ate, after dinner, Peeta and I went out for a walk. we walked down the street and then we walked down to The Seam and we sat down in front of the fence. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I asked picking a piece of grass.

"Just a little, are you?"

"Yes, I'm really scared." I said pulling my knees to my chest. Peeta inched closer to me and put his arm around me. I hugged him and put my face in the crook of his neck. I pulled away "You have to promise me one thing."

"Tell me what I'm promising to first."

"No you have to trust me."

"Okay I promise."

"Good, you will not volunteer tomorrow."

"But Ivy-"

"No Peeta you promised"

"Just know I Love you." He said holding my hand. My heart started pounding. He loves me, a smile formed om my face.

"Peeta I love you too."  He leaned in close and kissed me, I kissed him back.

We got up and walked to my house, "Ivy come spend the night at my house, get some cloths for the reaping tomorrow and spend the night, why spend it alone when you can spend it with someone who loves you." he said giving me a hug. we walked into my house got my cloths and walk back to Peeta's house. we walked in and went strait too Peeta's room that he shared with Grain whos was fast asleep in his bed. Peeta and I shared his bed for the night.

It was a quiet morning as the Mellarks and I walked to the town square, I held onto Peeta's hand very tight. we walked in got are fingers pricked and then we were separated.

"Welcome to The 72nd Hunger Games District 12 Reaping, Ladies first." the Capital lady said and put her hand in the bowl and pulled out a paper and walked back to the mic. She unfolded the paper

"Ivy Thomas."

I walked up shaking all over as I walked up to the stage. I stood on stage and just kept my eyes on Peeta the whole time, I didn't even hear who the male tribute was. we walked into the Justice building and put into different rooms.

Peeta burst threw the door and held me as we both cried

"I Love You, remember that." He said kissing me

"I Love You too," I said kissing him holding on to him until He was ripped out of my grip.

"I Love You ." was that last thing we ever said to each other.

Peeta's POV

I watch as Ivy ran away from the other tributes, she lasted 5 days and then tribute boy from 2 killed her in her sleep. I didn't watch. the last thing I said to her was that I loved her and I'm glad that was the last thing we said to each other.

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