What are Friends For

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I was doing homework on a Friday night like a good student until I got a call from my best friend Zach

"Hello" I answered

"Annie I need help big time" he said really loud in the phone. I heard two sets of crying in the back round

"What is going on over there?"

"My mom left me with the twins tonight, and Emily and Ben wont stop crying please help me." he said

"I will be over in five." I said and hung up

I grabbed my keys and went out to the care. I got to Zach's house, I knocked on the door no answer so I walked I just walked in.

"Zach" I called, he walked in to the living room in just a towel around his waist and with both twin in each arm crying.

"Thank god you are here I just got out of the shower when they started crying and I haven't got a chance to get dressed" he said

"Here give them to me." I held Emily in my right arm and Ben in my left.

"Thank you." he said and kissed my cheek "you are a life saver." he said and went to his room to get dressed. I put the twin in their high chairs, and then looked for baby food. I heated the food up and then Zach came into the kitchen.

"Thank you again for coming." he said for the third time

"You're welcome, plus you know I love the twins." I said smiling.

"How can I make this up to you"

"Hmm... I will think of something." I said feeding Ben

"Oh I know dinner and a Movie"

"That sounds...GROSS." I yelled

"Well I'm sorry that going on a date with me is that horr-" he stopped in mid sentence and burst in to laughter. Ben had just spit peas and carrots all over me.

"Shut up, its not funny... eww this is so gross."

"Yes it is, I'll put the twin in their play pen and you can barrow some cloths." he said still laughing. we put the twin in the pen and walked to his room. He looked in some drawers and handed me sweats and a t-shirt.

"Thanks turn around so I can get dressed" I said he turned and I got dressed. "So where are we going on are date." I asked with a cocky smile, He turned a light shade of pink.

"Oh I was thinking dinner and a movie, and then maybe go to the beach."

"Cant wait." I said and gave him a hug. I went to pull away from the hug but he stopped me and he leaned down and kissed me, I didn't hesitate I kissed him back.

We walked into the living room and played with the twins, gave them baths and then tried to put them to sleep Ben fell asleep but Emily wouldn't.

"I'm going to put Ben in his crib." I said and walked to the bedroom. Right as I shut the door Emily started crying again. I walked up to Zach and just laughed.

"Help me." he whined

"Bounce her in your arms lightly." I said, he did as I said and stopped crying "now rock her back and forth." I said and Emily stopped crying and slowly fell asleep.

We put Emily down and went in the living room. "Well I should go home, looks like you have everything covered" I said

"No you cant, what about in the morning and tomorrow, please."

"Okay I'll stay but you need to know how to take care of the twin when I'm not around."

"Okay I will," he got up and stood in front of me. "thank you for everything." he said and kissed me.

It was getting late and I fell asleep in Zach's shoulder, he carried me to his room and put me in his bed.

"I Love You" he whispered in my ear.

"I Love You Too" I whispered back. he leaned in can kissed me again and then I fell in to a deep sleep.

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