A Terrible Day

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Turns out the mall doesn't have a pharmacy or anything useful at all when it comes to wound treatment. Clothes, food, child's toys, yes. But not a single sign of disinfectant.

"We don't need that", grumbles his stubborn as she tries to rearrange her hair, "we can simply grab everything we find here and go back." The wind has messed up the top of her head completely, and it's useless to comb it back with her fingers now. As soon as they step out again, it will be for nothing.

Complaints about the weather have been Chishiya's constant companion on their way to the mall, and his stubborn's mood really has seen better days. It's somewhat understandable now after her start into the morning, and if complaining helps her to make it better, Chishiya won't prevent her from doing so. Most of it is drowned by the wind around them anyway. What he won't accept though is to leave without proper medication for her infected wound, given that it already looks worse than it should and will undoubtedly become worse if he does nothing.

He smirks over his shoulder, still finding a secret delight in the annoyance and resignation in those fascinating eyes now staring at him. "You're free to do that. I will search for a proper pharmacy in the meantime."

She would never, though. Go back alone and risk that he'll jump into another game without her knowledge? Or risk that anything might happen to him, although she usually is the one getting into trouble? No.

They leave the mall without grabbing anything. Since they have to walk further anyway and will probably stop at a bigger mall, it'd be unnecessary to bring extra weight. In the unlikely case that something will still be missing afterwards, the way back to the caravan will lead past here no matter what.

Chishiya moves quickly through the wind, eager to be back in a sheltered building as soon as possible. While he doesn't complain openly about the conditions, he doesn't want to spend more time out here than necessary. This is far from a pleasant walk in the sun, but it is needed.

"If only I could have taken the hoodie..."

There they are again, the complaints. About the lack of a hood, about the wind, the day in general. Chishiya barely listens to them more than to the other constant background noises, since he has spotted something in the distance that seems to be useful, although he will need to get closer to make sure it is what he thinks it is.

"... will catch a cold if this doesn't stop. And how are we supposed to take back all our supplies in that storm? It will all be blown away. Besides... We should have made a list."

The desperate grunts can't be drowned by the wind, and Chishiya watches from the corner of his eye how she continues to fight with the hair always blowing back into her face. Fascinating how she still hasn't given up on that, but it is just one more reason for her to be his stubborn. Stubborn enough to make her own day even worse. Luckily for her, Chishiya has everything memorized that's missing, from the medication to her instant coffee. "Don't worry. I won't forget anything."

"Still..." the way she eyes his hoodie speaks clearly for the fact that she envies the hood that's keeping him safe from most of the wind. "I would have felt more secure with a list."

Her own hoodie is currently drying in the caravan, but nothing kept her from asking for one of his. Nothing kept her from making a list, either. He would have given a hoodie to her, actually, despite the high chance that it'd get destroyed or ruined in anyway, be it through a bullet or through dirt. All she had to do was ask.

"Why didn't you write one then?"

"... Because I forgot." Her lips turn into a pout, and it gets even better when she stumbles over some roots sticking out of the street. Chishiya should really feel sorry for enjoying this sight so much, he should. Only that it doesn't stop, and just like that he can't stop smirking.

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