Bria (Chapter 1)

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I hate this school. All the jocks kissing the cheerleaders everytime you see them in the hall it's so annoying. Why do I have to go to this school I mean, my mom could transfer me but she chooses not to. I desperately hate everyone in this school except my best friend Anna.

I go to Southern Light High School. It's pretty boring if you ask me, like any other high school you watch in the dumb movies. My mom likes it here though she has a lot of white friends.

Me? Yea I'm part white but mainly black. I got basically all my genetics from my dad that's why people never think my mom is my mom it honestly sucks cause this place is so racist.

Lots of times I go to school I get looked at by Karen's, some even ask my mom if I'm bothering her. She always answers politely as if I'm not being racially profiled or feel like shit.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't black.

As for my dad he didn't want me when I was younger. He came back around 5 years old but he's always busy and he doesn't live around. I miss him, sometimes I wish I could just stay with him.

"Omg Bria you won't believe what I just saw."

Anna starts running up to me looking eager and if I'm being honest I don't really care it's probably some dumb story about a cheerleader getting caught fucking in the janitors closet again. It actually happens very frequently.

"What is it Anna and if it's about Emily getting fucked again, please spare the details" I said already annoyed.

"Damn girl lighten up, but it's not that it's about Saint." Anna caught me off guard when she said his name.

Saint. He's this very hot quiet kid and I've had basically the biggest crush on him for 2 years. Obviously I didn't show it but gosh I wish he knew. He's one of the only people I don't hate other than Anna and maybe more I just forgot.

"Him and Payton finally broke up girl it's your chance to get him."

At this point I wanted to slap Anna. She knows I'm not good with the dating stage and frankly I don't have the time or patience for it.

"Anna shut the hell up you know I don't want to date anyone. I don't have time for it."

"But Bria this is your chance girl GET HIM"

I'm not gonna lie I really did like Saint but I can't date him.

However, Anna screamed that last part so loud that he looked over at us.

Gosh he's so beautiful, if I wasn't so black he probably would've seen me blush.

His eyes are green and I don't mean like the grass I mean like pastel green they are pretty as shit. And his hair is very fluffy. He doesn't style it since he's always brushing it back with his hand.

Saint starts walking over to us and I start to get hella nervous.

"Hey, your Bria right?" His voice almost made my legs go out right then and there.

"Depends on who's asking and why" I kinda said in a bitchy tone.

He chuckled slightly at my comment. Gosh his laugh is so hot.

"I am and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out sometimes."

Both me and Anna were gobsmacked and standing very still. Did Saint really just ask me out?

End of chapter 1

So this was my very first chapter of many to come I hope you guys liked it. Do you like the characters? Bye loves <3

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