Who is Watching Me? (Chapter 8)

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Bria's POV:

After all the drama we finally started driving to Tanger.

I kept holding his hand while I was driving. For some reason it gave me comfort.

We arrived at Tanger and the first place I needed to go was Auntie Anne's.

Don't get me wrong we are gonna shop but I NEED my sugary pretzels.

"Mmm oh my gosh this is so good."

Saint started laughing at me.

"Wahh." I said with a bunch of pretzels in my mouth.

"You look so cute, here."

Saint brushed a ton of sugar off my lip and put it in his mouth.

"You're right this is good." Then he winked at me.

My stomach hurts, it feels tingly and warm.

I'm wondering if it was cause of Mr. Perfect in front of me.

After I finished eating my pretzels, we went to Nike.

I saw these really nice shoes that I thought Saint would like so I asked the store owner if they could hold them for me so I can come pick them up.

Found the first part of his Christmas gift.

Saint got some Nike sweats and we then went to Bath and Body Works.

This place is perfection my nose.

The scented candles as soon as you walk in. During Christmas season they smell like pinecones and warm wood. The good kinds.

"Saint oh my gosh smell this."

"Bro that smells so good omg." Gift #2 check.

I again asked the worker to hold the package that contained a full set of the scent. It had the body soap, body scrub, lotion, candle, and hand sanitizer.

"Wanna take one last stop babe?"

I love it when he calls me that.

"Yea, where?"

We stopped at one of my favorite places.

Dave and Buster.

I haven't been able to go to an arcade or anywhere fun in a while so it felt very nice especially to spend it with him.


"Angel?? I like it."

He is my angel so.

When we got into the photobooth the first three pictures were goofy ones but the last two he was gazing at me and I was gazing at his eyes.

Those beautiful green eyes make me feel like I just got lifted off my feet and dragged to heaven.

The last photo he kissed me, I obviously kissed back but nothing can compare to this feeling. I love him so much.

Love?? I can't love him it's too early!


"Yea Bri?"

"Can we go somewhere else now."

"Wanna come back to my place?"

I really didn't wanna go home and I'm not quite ready for dad to meet Saint so his house is the best option.

"Yea lets go."

We drove back to his house and once we got there, there were matching pjs on his bed laid out for me and him.

"Saint did you do this?"

"Yea, I really wanted you to enjoy today and us being together."

"You really are my angel."

I gave him a kiss and took the clothes to the bathroom to change.

When I was in the bathroom my phone buzzed. It was an unknown number texting me.

The text said 'you look sexy from that window' a shot of uneasyness went through me.

I grabbed my stuff, panicked and went into Saints bedroom. He could tell something was bothering me.

"Hey hey babe what's wrong?"

"Saint I- I think someone is watching me.."

"Let me see the phone baby."

He took the phone and in no time, he recognized the phone number.

"Saint who is it?"

"Remember the man whore I was fighting earlier? It's him. Fucking hell."

My heart sunk into my stomach.

"Baby I know what you're thinking it's gonna be okay I wouldn't let anything happen to you okay?"

I was basically having a panic attack until he said something that scared me.

"I love you."

I stopped breathing for a second and looked into his eyes. I can tell he meant it.
At this point nothing else mattered to me but him. I wanted him to know I loved him back, I wanted to show him.

"I love you too Saint." I took a pause to process everything but then I felt something.

"Kiss me."

He kissed me for what felt likes hours and pushed me onto the bed gently.

I knew because he felt like I wasn't ready it wouldn't go much farther than this but I was thankful for him waiting for me even though I feel ready.

"I love you so much amore mio."(translation my love in Italian)

"I love you more ngelosi yam." (translation my angel in Xhosa)

I know that neither of us probably didn't understand what the other person said but I know it was most likely good.

We cuddled for the rest of the night and I fell asleep in Saint's arms feeling safe.

I still couldn't help but think about that guy though. What if he does something to Saint? What's gonna happen to me?

Whatever it is I just pray he doesn't leave.

End of chapter 8
Just say A LOT of drama is about to hit so stay tuned. Bye my loves <3

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