Black Girl (Chapter 13)

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               ‼️⚠️TW: SA & Racism⚠️‼️

Bria's POV:

"Dad Amex works for you?! I told you leave Bria's family out of this mafia and here we are. You didn't even bother to tell me!"

Saint stormed out of the room and of course I went after him.

"Saint babe slow down."

"Bria please just shut the hell up leave me the fuck alone."

He kept walking and I just stopped, I know he's upset but it kinda hurt so I figured I'd just give him time.

I was confused on everything so I went back and sneaked on my dad and Pedro's conversation.

"Pedro why is my daughter here! She's what 17 in high school?! She doesn't deserve to have to deal with this in her life right now, especially with her crazy ass mother."

"Ahhh the beloved Carlinda another one on my hit list."

Don't get me wrong I hate my mother but Pedro was planning on killing her?! What the hell do I not know about my family it's boring as hell.

"Pedro please kick her out this mafia please."

"Amex, you know the rules once you join you can't go back plus she knows about us if we took her out of it we would have to kill her and I know you don't want that."


"Amex lower your tone if you know what's good for you."

"Fine, just please if you can't save Bria don't and I'm begging you please don't put Gabby into this shes 15 and her mother abuses her so please Pedro please."

"If Gabby tries to join this mafia I promise I will not let her in it that's the only promise I can make you."

Amex basically cries out saying thank you. I know he's my dad and he cares but I never thought he cared this much I mean he left for a while so.

After snooping on their conversation I went to go check on Saint. I quietly knocked on our bedroom door and said his name.

"Saint? Can I come in?"

I heard the door unlock guessing I was allowed to go inside. Saint was sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes. His whole face showed an emotion I know most, disappointment.

"Saint baby it's okay."

"NO BRIA ITS NOT! I promised! I promised I would protect you and your family. What about Gabby and Josie? It was bad enough getting you into this."

"And what's that supposed to mean huh? I can handle myself I'm so sick of being treated like I'm a fucking child I'm done!"

I stormed out the room and left the house I needed to get away from everyone at that moment so I took my dads car and drove off. Everything was fine until I got pulled over.


The cop walked up to the window and I was so scared I had my license on me but this is my dads car and in a white neighborhood, they're gonna think I stole it.

"License and registration."

I handed the officer my license and found my dads registration.

"Ma'am this says a black male owns this car."

"Yes officer that's my father Amex Martilotti."

"You expect me to believe that? How do I know he didn't steal this car?"

"Sir you have the registration."

At that point I knew what was going to happen and just prayed I was gonna be okay.

"I'm gonna need you to step out the car."

I listened and cooperated with him but he was very violent.

"Sir please don't grab me so aggressively."

"I'll grab you however the fuck I want, on your knees now."

I got on my knees and almost started crying.

"There's two ways this can go, you can either suck me off or I can bring you to the station and have my way with you there."

I cried and cried praying this wasn't real.

"Please don't do this I'm begging you please."

"Guess we're doing this the hard way."

He pinned me down on the concrete and started to unbuckle his belt.

"No please, SOMEONE HEL-!"

He put his hand over my mouth hushing me up. I wailed and wailed and just shut my eyes accepting what was gonna happen until I felt him lifted of me. I opened my eyes and saw Saint pull out his gun and shoot the cop right in the head.

"Baby, shit are you okay."

I was so shocked about everything that happened I couldn't even speak I just cried and hugged Saint like he was all I had left.

"Bria I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry baby."

He picked me up and brung me towards the truck where I saw 3 other men and my father.

"Boys clean this mess up, Amex take your car and go home."

They all replied yes sir even my father. Saint saw the concern on my face on why there was more men with him.

"I'd never let you leave the house on your own without my men watching you from a distant but I needed to come get you myself and apologize. I'm so sorry baby I don't think you're a child or that you can't handle yourself it's just this is the mafia anyone shows weakness they die and baby you're my weakness I don't want anything to happen to you."

I still couldn't speak after what just happened so Saint put me in the car and drove me to his place. He laid me on the bed and helped me take my clothes off so I could take a shower. He joined me and washed me up and he also helped me get my clothes back on.

"I'll always protect you amore mio."

I wanted to sleep everything away but I forgot that tomorrow was Christmas so while Saint was sleeping I went outside to get his presents out the trunk. I wrapped the gifts and set them under the tree.

I sneaked upstairs into me and Saints bathroom and just looked into the mirror. I cried and cried and dropped to my knees.

I get it. Certain men will do certain things but I felt helpless I'm a black woman in Southern Light New Jersey. I was racially profiled because I was black. He didn't even believe my dad was good enough to have the car.

I guess Saint must have heard my cries because he came in the bathroom picked me up and brung me back to bed and comforted me.

"Saint if you weren't there I- I would've-"

"Don't baby don't do that to yourself I was there okay you're okay my love everything's okay I'll never let anyone touch you in any way I promise."

"I love you Saint."

"I love you Bri."

He kissed my forehead and we laid down and cuddled. I knew I needed training so I can defend myself in these situations but right know all I knew was that as long as Saint is by my side,

Screw this fucking world.

End of Chapter 13
If I'm being honest this chapter made me tear up a bit, or I full on cried... anyways hope you guys enjoyed! What do you think about Pedro? Thanks for reading! Love you all! <3

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