Tired (Chapter 3)

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Bria's POV:


I was shocked that I just stood there.

He came now at all times?

Gabriella heard him and ran into his arms, and as happy as she was, dad saw the bruise on her arm.

"Molo sithandwa sam, how are you?" Dad looked happy but I can see inside he's pissed. (Language is Xhosa translation is "hello my dear")

"I'm great dad I missed you."

Gabriella basically looked like she wanted to cry. Most likely because she hasn't seen him since she was 13 and wish she had the boy talk with him instead of Mrs. Wash cloth over here.

"Sorry Gabby but can you go upstairs for a minute? I need to talk to your mom."

I knew that he was about to flip the fuck out on my mom by looking at his face.

She has a past of doing this, it's part of the reason why my dad left us in the first place. The only mistake he made was leaving us behind.

"Yea dad it's fine just don't leave without saying goodbye."

I know Gabby was scared about him leaving but I promise her I'm not letting him leave at least without a proper goodbye.

Gabby went upstairs. My dad didn't say anything to me because he knows I protect her considering I'm 17 and she only 15.

"Carlinda Lipen did you put your fucking hands on my daughter?"

Even though he left us dad cared more about us then Carlinda ever would.

"First of all she's MY daughter you were the one that left, and yes I did it's called discipline Amex."

"She's OUR daughter Carlinda and it's not fucking discipline what did she even do?"

I was so busy being mad I didn't even bother to ask what she did before coming downstairs cause I didn't care.

No one touches Gabby.

"She broke the vase that Arnold's mom gave him and it was expensive, so I whipped her arm."


I fucking hate him.

That's mom bitch of a boyfriend. Other people let them get away with stuff but me? No, I put him in his fucking place.

"Who the hell is Arnold." I kinda didn't talk to dad for 2 years so he wouldn't know who Arnold is.

"My better of a man boyfriend you were no good I mean look at you I don't know why I ever dated a black man."

What the fuck did she just say?

"I don't give two shits what you say about me but Gabby broke a shitty vase that your toilet paper ass boyfriend bought and you whipped her with a fucking wire?"

I'm really praying dad doesn't say anything he regrets. Mom is racist in a white town and a black dad if he says anything too bad.. gosh I can't even think about it..

"I was gonna sit down and talk about this but fuck it I don't care. I came to get my daughters back so get ready to go to court."



Back to present time

"Hey" Saint was standing above me as my eyes slowly opened.

I'm never gonna get over how cute this man is

"Hey, thanks for waking me up."

"Yea it's no problem, I actually wanted to talk to you about the whole going out thing."

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