Boss (Chapter 12)

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Bria's POV:

"I have to join the Mafia.. why!"

"Well Bria you cannot know about a Mafia and not be involved in it, it's way too dangerous for people to figure out, and well if you don't join, we'll have to kill you."

"Dad in no way shape or form am I going to let you touch Bria."

I was shocked to see Saint standing up to his dad. I mean, he's in the Mafia!

"Bria can we talk." Saint pulled me away before I could answer.

"Baby I know this is a lot but please join, I know it's bad but baby I can't let anyone hurt you and they will if you don't join us."

"It isn't fair Saint, I'm gonna have to kill!"

I really feel like he's not taking my feelings into consideration and it's sucks because what about my family.

"What about my family Saint."

"We will keep them safe I promise baby just please."

"Fine Saint fine."

He hugged me, hard. It was a protective sort of hug which I understand. I'd hate to lose Saint because he was being stubborn about something but, this is the Mafia I know once you go in, there's no going back.

"Saint if I do this there's no going back you need to swear to me my family will be safe."

"I swear Bria, your family is my family, I'd never let anything happen to them. Anything."

"Okay let's go."

We walked back to Saints dad who had people surrounding him with guns just incase I made the wrong decision.

"Dad put the fucking guns away."

"What's her decision Saint."

"I'm joining now put the fucking guns down before I start to use mine."

I didn't actually have a gun but maybe it intimidated them not to screw with me.

"Feisty, she's perfect for our Mafia. First things first she needs training with guns, knife throws, physical fighting, aiming, and mostly manipulation."


"Manipulation with what."

Saint whispered in my ear, "Your body, but it better not come to those circumstances Bria or else you're gonna be punished."

It's hot when he talks to me like that.

While dazing off I looked from the corner of my eyes and saw Mason.

"Saint what the hell is Mason doing here."

I looked even closer and saw Anna.


"Bria calm down, Mason was in the Mafia and just like me Mason didn't wanna keep anything from Anna so he told her and she wanted to join."

My best friend wanted to join the Mafia? I mean reasonable with her bitchy attitude but it's just so shocking to me.

"Anna! Get your ass over here."

"Bria?!!! What the hell are you doing here."

"Exactly what you're doing joining the Mafia apparently."

"Baby for future references don't just say the Mafia when referring to us we are the Italian Mafia which is called Reali which is Royals in Italian."

"Okay, Saint can we please go home."

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