Chapter 1

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Later, the two (h/c)-ette woke up and apologized to their little brother for worrying.

"Take-kun, we're so sorry for scaring you.." (M/n) said to the pouting boy, who just turned away. This stunned the male into stone.

"A-ahh.. Take-chan~ How about this? Nee-chan can read you your favorite book and--" (F/n) appeared on Takemichi's right, a book in her hand.

"Hmph!" He looked away from her too, and that also stunned her to stone. The twins sulked behind their little brother, who just pyffed his cheek and waddles his way
✨C U T E L Y✨ towards his sulking older siblings and placed a hand on their lap and pat it.

"Nee-chan and Nii-chan scared Takemitchy! Takemitchy worried!" The blond huffed and the two (h/c)-ette apologized.

Another thing need to know about the Hanagaki Twins is that they turn dotted when it comes to kids, ecspecially their baby brother.

(M/n) then turned his attention to Shiba Taiju and introduced himself. In which the lad did the same.

"Anyways, Waka take care of Hakkai for me. My extra classes is going to soon," Taiju said walking to the door but then stopped and gave Wakasa a glare.

"Don't you even dare of thinking teasing him." He warned and walked out, Wakasa just chuckled at the male's warning and looked down at Hakkai whi was in his arms. Hakkai noticed the lad's stare and soon bursted into tears.

"TAKA-CHANN!!" Hakkai Shiba is afraid of Wakasa Imaushi. Mitsuya who was now being carried in (F/n)'s arms, asked the girl to walk over to his crying friend and conforted him.

"Hakkai, I'm here and Onee-san is a good person!" Mitsuya comforted, patting the boy's head like an older brother.

"Hakkai-kun really likes Takashi-kun, huh?" The (h/c)-ette smiled at the boy, and Hakkai just shyly nodded his head as he stopped crying.

"O-Onee-san.. is... pretty.." Hakkai muttered shyly and (F/n) blushed at the little boy's compliment, as she complimented Hakkai back with Mitsuya still in her arms.

"Are you the only caretaker in the daycare?" Wakasa shook his head at (F/n)'s question.

"Mikey and Izana's older brother is also caretaker in this daycare. Along with Sanzu's brother, Takeomi. Along with a friend of mine, Benkei. So mostly there three caretakers in the club. Taiju couldn't be apart of it sadly, because he is student body president." Wakasa explained.

"So Mikey and Izana are brothers. Bit why do theiy different last names?" (F/n) asked, Hakkai was now in her arms, playing with her fingers, while Mitsuya was now playing Pah and Peh.

"Don't know. But all Shinichiro said was that Izana was adopted" Wakasa whispered the last sentence to the girl. Izana may be young, but he has a brain of a teenager.

Meanwhile, Takemichi was still shy towards new people, so he was clung to his brother like a koala.

"Takemitchy! Let's play!" Yamagishi exclaimed cutely, smiling at the boy. Akkun, Makoto and Takuya standing behind him. Takemichi was looking at (M/n), asking if he can. (M/n) smiled softly and kneeled down and patted the blond's hair.

"Jya, Takemichi! Of course you can play with Yamagishi-kun and the others! Make new friends, yea?" Takemichi meekly nodded his head and went to play with the others while (M/n) and (F/n) began accompanying the other kids in the room.

The door slid open once again to reveal Takeomi with a baby in his hands. His eyes then landed to the two new figures. "Hm, who are they?" Asked another voice as Shinichiro too stepped in with a baby in his arms. The baby in Takeomi's arm has baby pink hair and she her mouth was occupied with a pacifier. As the baby in Shinichiro's arm has blond hair and was playing cat plush in her hands.

"Hm? Is your Gramps busy?" Wakasa asked, looking at Shinichiro who nodded his head.

"The dojo is packed and Gramps has alot of students in teaching." Shinichiro explained. Wakasa and Shiniciro looked at Takeomi and said that Senju won't stop whining of being left alone with her parents, since she grew close with Takeomi and Haruchiyo.

"Mom and dad are out of the country at the moment cause of their business." Takeomi reasoned

"Yeah right. You want to comoete with Shin on which baby sister is the cutest.." Wakasa said. Both of the male just chuckled and Takeomi just huffed in irritation, saying that it wasn't true.

Boy is dotted when it comes to his cute baby siblings.

His eyes then travelled to the pair of twins and raised a brow, pointing his index finger towards them. "Who are they?"

"Hm? Oh, those are the new students. You know, the one that students won't stop gossiping about." Takeomi and Shinichiro just nodded their heads. Shinichiro felt a tug on his pants and looked down to see his little brother, Izana.

"Shin-nii, can I play with Onee-san?" He asked, and the black haired male looked at the girl where his brother pointed at and nodded his head. As soon as Shinichiro gave approval, Izana beamed and waddled his way to (F/n) and tugged her shirt, asking her to read him a book with Kakucho.

Then (M/n) walked up to the two new boys and greeted them. "Hello! I'm Hanagaki (M/n), but you can call me by ny first name." He said, smiling. Shinichiro and Takeomi smiled back, liking the new boy's aura and greeted back.

"The names Sano Shinichiro. This guy right here is Akashi Takeomi," The black haired male pointed to his best friend behind him who waved a hand at him.

"Yo," (M/n) waved back and noticed the two baby girls in the two brothers' arms. "Hm, are they your sisters?" (M/n) stared at Senju curiosly and the girl cutely waved her hand in the air infront of the (h/c)-ette. The two latters just nodded their heads and introduced the boy to their baby sister.

"Hello there, Emma-chan! Senju-chan!" (M/n) greeted the two babies with a smile on his face. The two girls, however, found the lad's smile adorable so they both made grabby hands towards the (h/c)-ette. Both Shinichiro and Takeomi felt lowkey betrayed at this point and mentally cried.

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