Chapter 10

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Weeks after the fun activity and... strange encounter at the zoo, both (M/n) and (F/n) were studying non-stop for their upcoming mid-exam.

Of course they managed their time to play and care for their cute munchkin Takemichi from time to time.

Now, here (M/n) is, dropping Takemichi at the day care with Isayama and the other kids and babies.

"Alright, Take-chan. Me and Nee-chan might be back abit late after our exam. I packed your favorite snacks and lunch in your lunch bag too." (M/n) said as he handed the lunch bag to Takemichi who took it in his outctretch chubby baby arms.

"Nii-chan and Nee-chan! Smart! Pass exam!" Takemichi encouraged in whig caused the teenage boy to crouch down, now feeling a cute aggression coming in.

'I have the best baby brother ever. I win in life...' (M/n) thought to himself, and went to take his leave, little Takmeichi waving him goodbye.

The little blond then went to play with one of the toys in the day care, playing with Akkun and Takuya while waiting for the other kids to be dropped by.

Minutes passed, and Shinichiro walks in with Emma strapped on his chest, Mikey on his back - also strapped, while Izana was holding hands with the black haired teen.

"Good morning, Shinichiro." Isayama greeted and the said boy greeted him back.

"Ah, good morning, Isayama-san." The boy greeted and Izana wavea at the adult caretaker before he lets go of Shinichiro's hand to play with Kakucho, who was dropped in the day care earlier than him by his father.

"Kaku!" Izana greeted happily, and the said boy greeted his friend back with a huge smile. "Izana!"

Isayama smiles at the interaction, and walks towards Shinichiro to help him to get the sleeping Mikey and Emma off of him.

"How are ya feelin'? Studied well?" Isayama ask, now cradling the two young blonds in his arms whilst Shinichiro massaged his aching muscles.

"Past few weeks was kinda hectic but I was able to manage my time to study and help Gramps and stuff around the house." Shinichiro replied, adjusting the strap of his school bag over his shoulder.

Isayama smiled at the young teen's words and nodded his head in understandment.

"That's good to hear. Now, go to your hall now. Wouldn't want you to be late for your first day of exams now." Isayama gestures and Shinichiro nodded his head before bidding his younger siblings goodbye, and left.

Not too long after, Takeomi and Taiju came in with their siblings in hand.

"Oh, good morning Isayama-san." Taiju greeted and placed Hakkai down, and kneeled down to talk with his baby brother.

"Now, Nii-chan will go to do his exams, okay? So I wouldn't be able to come and drop your lunch and snacks, so I'm handing your bento to Isayama-san." Taiju instructed and little Hakkai nodded his head nervously.

"Will... will Nii-chan pick Hakkai up too?" The little boy asked nervously.

"Yea, I will. But mom won't be following us after my exam finishes so we will go to Yuzuha up together later." Taiju added and Hakkai beamed at the information.

"Hakkai can see Yuzu-nee's school?" He asked enthusiastically, in which caused the older Shiba to smile softly and nodded his head. He gave Hakkai one last pat on the head before taking his leave.

Takeomi went over to place his still baby sister, Senju on one of the futon and placed Sanzu nearby.

"Sanzu." Takeomi spoke up, causing the small boy to perk and look over at his brother.

"Hm? What is it old man?" Sanzu asked in a naive tone. Takeomi irked at this but calm down right after. "Don't bully your sister or the other kids while I'm gone, okay?" Takeomi saod strictly, causing the smaller boy to puff his cheeks.

"And I already packed yours and Senju's food in here. Don't eat the food, but you can eat the fruits mom made for you." Takeomi instructed.

"I know that! I know how to take care of myself, hmph!"

'Tch, this brat.. where did he learned that?' The older sibling just sighs, shook his head and took his leave. Not before ruffling his brother's hair teasingly, which ended up causing the little boy to yell at him.

Isayama sweatdropped at this.

'I should've stayed as a manga creator...' He thought to himself.

ღ.。.:* ♬*゜🌻ღ.。.:* ♬* 🌻

(F/n), (M/n) and their classmates sat at their resigned seats, test papers on their desks while their invigelator instructed them the rules before answering.

"Alright, so class. Today, you are taking your exam subject History, paper one. Reminder, this is a Multiple Choice Question, MCQ, so infront of you, you have two papers. One is a question sheet, and the other is an answer sheet." The teacher started, writing down the name of the subject of today's exam and the duration beneath it.

"Answer and shade in pencil, okay? And don't forget to write your full name, class and today's date on both the answer sheet and question paper." The teacher added.

"Remember, no toilet breaks in the first and last 30 minutes of the exam. No cheating, no chatting, no whispering. And if you have any electronic devices with you, please hand them in now. You are not allowed to have or bring them during the exam." The teacher informed, walking around, to check on each student's desk seeing if they have the required materials, and then stood at the back of the class.

"Alright, you now can browse through the question paper but don't answer yet. Your exam starts in 10 minutes." The invigelator reminded.

(F/n) grabs the question paper and skeems through the paper, noting down mentally the answers that she is confident with in her mind.

'What was Japan's aim in military strength... Who was the country's gwemnance... What is Kita Ikki... Japan's economic interest in Korea... hmm... these are all regarding about Japan's side during Word War 2.. I think I can handle this...' the girl throught to herself.

(M/n), on the other hand, started right at the back of the question paper and looked through from the last question to the first.

'The three names of the military campaign.. Thailand's resistance against Japanese occupation... hmm if I'm not mistaken there was only little resistance so it's either A or C... Which one of these resources did Japan gained when occupying the Philippines... Wasn't it their sugar and coffee?' The boy hummed to himself.

The classroom was quiet, until the invigelator announced that they can now start answering.

In another room, Shinichiro was scratching his head in frustration.

'Who the fuck was the Emperor?! And what do you mean Nanjing Incident?! Where the fuck is Nanjing?!'

Back in the day care, Mitsuya waddles to the boodshelf and looked through the story books, nursery books, and many more. After a few minutes of looking around, his eyes stumbled on an unfamiliar book he never seem before.

Curious, he grabs the book and reads the cover.

'No Longer Human.' Was the title of the book embodied on the cover. Thinking that it was a story book about some boy who transform into anything, he reads it.

Meanwhile, Isayama was looking frantically around his desk for the said book, not knowing that a certain lavender haired boy was reading it.

Talk about having your childhood ruined in a young age...


i have to go through my history notes for that-

Also i'm back ehe :b

My times during my o levels went brrr

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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