Chapter 8

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"Field trip?" (M/n) raised a brow as he eyed the paper that was given by Shinichiro. The raventte nodded his head and began explaining.

"Every year, Wakui-sensei would set up a field trip for the babysitter club. Along with a collaboration with a school that also has a daycare," He explained and the twin male oh-ed. Reading the memo and his eyes landed on the bottom of the page.

Parents/Guardian Signiture

'Fuck.. (F/n), Take-kun and I have been livong alone without an adult... Not any of our relatives wanted to take care of us'

"You good there, (M/n)?" The said male was snapped back into reality by the older Sano infront of him and he quickly nodded his head.

"Yep! All cool.. Anyways, I have to get to class,"

"Eh? But the bell hasn't rang yet-" cutting him off, (M/n) ran off.

"See ya!"

"Isn't that the hallway for the third years?" Shinichiro questioned himself and then realized something.

"Wait- I'm a third year!" Looking back at where (M/n) ran off to, he jogged behind.

"(M/n), wait! You're going the wrong way!"

At a hallway, (M/n) realized the unfamiliar hall. Looking around he then found out he went to the wrong hall. Cursing to himself, he then looked at the paper he has in his hand. He could feel the tears threatening to escape as the memory where he got a call about both their parents died. The face of his twin sister and the confused look of Takemichi's was engraved in his head.

Being the oldest of the family was never an easy task. You have to mature yourself up, know about the outside world at a young age, study hard and be a figure to others. It was a heavy weight and (M/n) could feel it getting heavier and heavier.

But the (h/c)-ette then felt something on his cheek. It was drying the tears, that he didn't that was now running down his face. The male looked up to see Nasyitah. The woman handed him the cloth that she was using to wipe his tear and hummed.

"A-Ah.. Nasyitah-san, I didn't saw you there..."

"You didn't since you were seem to be.. distracted, perhaps..?" The teen looked down and took the handkerchief the woman was offering and rubbed his nose.

"Wasn't distracted.."

"If you weren't, you would've had noticed that you were standing next to my office like some child that got punished."

'Geez, what has gotten her panties in a twist..?' (M/n) winced in his place. The black haired assistant then noticed the paper in the boy's hand and then her brain clicked. Letting out a sigh, she ussered the (h/c)-ette to step into her office. Catching the boy off guard, she settles him down on the chair infront of her desk as she went to make some tea. Placing the cup infront of him, and a plate of sweets she sat at her office chaur and swivvled it around before facing the boy before her.

"Nasyitah-san, why did you-"

"The look on your face tells me something is bothering you. Mind tell me, why?" The woman cut him off as she poured the hot tea into the boy's cup. (M/n) remained silent for abit before opening his mouth.

"..You bought me in here. What's the point in telling when you know?" The woman hummed at the respond and nodded her head. "You're right. I do know why. I just want you to vent it out. Let the frustration and pain out. What is the point of keeping it in?" (M/n)'s fist gripped in frustration and stress as he let the heavy tears down his face.

"Thinking of it... This! Knowing that my siblings won't see our parents anymore just hurts! I have to keeo the two safe but- I don't want to bring harm to them!"

꧁Babysitting Club? Huh?꧂[𝙾𝙽 𝙶𝙾𝙸𝙽𝙶]Where stories live. Discover now