Chapter 7

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Shinichiro had came in the clubroom rather early, Mikey was still sleeping on his back whilst Emma, too was sound asleep in her dear older brother's arm. He looked down at Izama who yawned tiredly, rubbing his eyes, tiredly.

"Ya tired there, bud?"

" 'M not tired.." Izana pouted, puffing his cheeks. Shinichiro chuckled and walked over to grab a few futons from the side of the room and lay three sheets down, placing Emma first. Her pacifier still in her mouth, as Shinichiro removed slowly and placed her pink teddy bear beside her. Same goes to Mikey, as the bkack haired male pulls out the young blond's trustworthy blanket.

Glancing over at Izana who was sitting ontop of the futon beside Emma, Shinichiro could see the tired expression emitting in the boy's purple lilac eyes.

"C'mon, Zana, how 'bout a small nap, yeah? Shin-nii is sorry for coming in early," Izana hummed and laid his down softly onto the comfortable pillow cushion.

The male chuckled, as he placed blankets over his three younger siblings and went through the shopping bag he brought along. Hearing the door sliding open, he turned to see Wakasa with two bags in his arms, one grocery bag and the other was his school bag.

"Ran and Rin's mom will drop them off, since I told her that I have to get here abit tad early," The white haired male simply explained and sat beside the male, patting both his thighs and looked over to his friend.

"So.. What should we begin with?"

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ust as all of the kids came in and both Wakasa and Shinichiro were done, the door slid open to reveal (F/n) skiling happily with Takemichi in her arms and a crying (M/n) behind them, a red bump on his head.

"Take-kun, (F/n)-nee is bullying me~"

"But Nee-chan said you lied. And lying is not good..!"

"I'm sorry Take-kun!~"

"What happened here?" Benkei raised a brow at the Hanagakis.

"It's just like what I said, Nii-chan lied, and lying is not good, righy Take-chan?" Takemichi nodded his head as both him and sisters looked over at the males. (M/n) then noticed a bag bear Shinichiro.

"Say, what's that?" Shinichiro and Wakasa seemed to beamed, and just as soon as (F/n) placed Takemichi down so that he could play with his friends, both of the males yanked the twins.

"We will be giving the kids a puppet show!" Shinichiro whispered yelled.

"Eh? But-"

"We already asked Isayama-san and he said that it's okay!"

"Yea, but Sen-"

"Waka, gather the kids and I'll set up the stage. The white haired male nod and called up the kids in the daycare. And Shinichiro setting up the carboard design of a puppet site.

"This is not gonna end good.." Takeomi groaned and massaged his temple.

"Eh? Why? I think a puppet show is good, no?"

"Not all kids will like it," Shinichiro gotten to the back and placed on cute hand made puppet and showed it to the kids. Some were fascinated, some were shock and some were laughing with joy.

But all that stopped when baby Senju let out a wail.

"Senju is afraid of puppets," Takeomi muttered, making his way to smack the back of his friend's back and went over to his baby sister's side and comfort her. But, no matter how many times he is trying to put Senju stop crying, she sobbed even louder.

"It's okay, Senju.. Big bro is here, shhh" The young teen rocked his sister back and forth, placing his big warm hand behind the back of her head softly. Her cries soon died down and her eyes shut close.

Takeomi glared down onto the two males who were now apologizing non-stop.



Benkei watched at the sideline and just grabbed a puppet, placing it his hand and played it with the kids, just to keep them busy.

"Lookie here Rin, Ran. This puppet looks like Kenma-nii, no?" The two boys looked at the Kenma look alike puppet and smiled softly. Rindou giggled and began to pat on the head of the puppet.

(M/n) and (F/n) too joined the soft giant in playing with the hand made puppets.

"Kaku-kun! Shuji-kun! Hello!~" (M/n) played a puppet with Kakucho with his left hand whilst his other hand was occupied with another puppet, playing with Hanma. Making different  accents for the two different puppets.

"Ahh~ No~ Mikey-kun, please don't eat me~" (F/n) made out a fake cry and the young boy looked at the taiyaki puppet and raised a brow.

"But Taiyaki-kun is made out of Taiyaki,"

"Taiyaki-kun also have feelings like Mikey-kun!" (F/n) then lowered the taiyaki puppet abit down, making it look like it is weeping. Young Mikey, who now feels guilty for biting onto the now sad taiyaki, he patted the puppet's head.

"Mikey is sorry, Taiyaki-kun.. Mikey won't eat you anymore if Taiyaki-kun is hurt,"

Isayama played with some cat puppets with both Chifuyu and Baji, whilst Wakasa is playing a puppy look alike puppet with Izana, Kakucho, Mitsuya and Hakkai.

Shinichiro is playing puppets with Takemichi, Kisaki and Kazutora with a female character and a male one that they never seen before. As the other kids were either playing with the toys or even just run around. Baby Emma is now with Takeomi and Senju as the teen is now watching as Emma watched Senju sleeping peacefully.

"Aba.." Emma blabbered, pointing at the now sleeping Senju on the futon.

"Yes, Senju is sleeping,"

"Baa! Baa!" Takeomi raised a brow and began pretending he knows what the baby blond is saying.

"Yes, Senju realky loves to sleep,"

"Aba.. baba!" Emma pointed to Senju's face with her chubby arms. Their Takeomi sees a drool seeping out from the side of his baby sister's mouth.

"Ah, so that's what you meant huh?"


"Why do I feel like that's an insult?"

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