Chapter 5

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Taketora looked over to his younger brother and raised a brow, pointing towards Takemichi and (F/n).

"That your friend, bud?" Takuya vigorously nodded his head and waved both of his hands in the air.

"(F/n)-Nee san! Takemtchy!!" Takuya shouted out, causing people in the station to look over at who ever was screaming. Taketora interanally shrieked in place and quickly covered his baby brother's mouth.

"O-Oi! Takuya! What did I say of stealing attention!?" The teen scolded, but the.chld ignored his brother's scolding amd licked his hand. This cause the male to rub his hand to his little sister's face, out if reflex. haired girl flinched once she felt something wet on her face, and that it was rubbed by her brother's face, she irked and kicked him at the calf, hard.

"Ow! Akane, what was that for?!"

"Why did YOU rub Takuya's saliva that was.on your hand to my face?!"

"Face? What face?" Taketora snickered and Akane huffed. "And this is why you don't have a girlfriend! C'mon, Taku-chan. Let's go meet that friend of yours and leave meanie Nii-chan here," She said, staeling Takuya off of Taketora's arm and walked away towards (F/n) and Takemichi. Leaving the blond mohawk behind.

"O-Oi! Don't leave me! Wait up!"

"Hello, you must be one of the new students I heard at Wakui Gakuen High," Akane smiled kindly at the girl and her little brother.

"My name's Yamamoto Akane, but you can call me Akane. I'm Takuya's older sister," She introuduced herself, slightly bowing to the girl, who introduced herself back.

"I'm Hanagaki (F/n). I have a twin, so you can simply call me (F/n), and this right here is my baby brother Takemichi." The (h/c)-ette said, as Takemichi waved his hand to the girl that was holding his dear friend in his arm.

Just then, Taketora bonked the girl's head "Akane, don't you know it's dangerous walkijg alone?!" He scolded and Akane irked.

"Nii-chan, stop that!" The shorter girl irked, she then let out a sigh and pointed to the boy next to her. "This is my idiotic brother. Taketora," she said.

"I can inteoduce myself  you know!"

"Infront of a girl? I doubt that."

"...You spend too much time watching Monster in Paris," Akane raised a brow.

"How so..?"

"You're getting that savage personality from that singer woman... What was her name again..?" He began to think deeply.

"You mean Lucille..?" (F/n) asked and Taketora snapped at the said name, looking at the girl without thinking.

"Yes! Her!" Then looking back at Akane, wanting to continue his scolding before he frozed in place. Akane saw this and rolled her eyes in annoyance, whilst Takuya, found this side of his brother, amusing. The young hirl turned around to face the girl, then apologized.

"I apologize on behalf of my brother's behaviour. He would simp around when he sees cute and beautiful girls, but he would stutter and malfunction when spoke to one," She explained.

"(F/n)-nee san! My brother thinks you're cute and pretty!" Takuya spouted and the once malfunctioned teen, quickly covered his little brother's mouth, and also caused the said girl to lightly blush at the compliment.

"Takuya! Shhh!!" Takuya giggled.

After the hilarious incident, the train finally arrived and the group waited as some passangers that were on the train to get off. Once it was clear, the group and people who were waiting for the train stepped in.

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